Thursday, December 10, 2020

Communicative English Unit 2 Task Answers| Book page no: 84 to 103| UG 1st Year 1st Semester English Paper| TANSCHE Syllabus 2020

Communicative English Page No: 84

Exercise 3:


1. What was Mrs. Jones's initial reaction when the boy tried to snatch her pocketbook?

Ans: Mrs. Jones simply turned around and kicked the boy right square in his blue-jeaned sitter.

2.     What does she say she would teach Roger?

Ans: Mrs. Jones said that she would teach Roger right from wrong.

3.     What do Mrs. Jones and Roger talk about during their meal?

Ans: During their meal Mrs. Jones told Roger about her job in a hotel beauty-shop that stayed open late, what her work was like and how all kinds of women came in and out.


1.     When Mrs. Jones makes dinner, Roger sits far away from her purse. Why?

Ans: When Mrs. Jones makes dinner, Roger sits far away from her purse, because he did not want to be mistrusted.

2.     What does Roger say when he leaves the apartment? Why can't he say more?

Ans: When he left the apartment, Roger barely managed to say, “Thank you” because he was much touched by the way he was treated by Mrs. Jones.

3.     Identify the details to support Roger's poverty and his rough home life.

Ans: Roger’s face was dirty. He had no one at home to ask him to wash his face. He did not have his supper because there was no one at his house. He tried to snatch Mrs. Jones’ pocket book as he wanted to buy a pair of blue suede shoes.


1. Why does Mrs. Jones say that she has “done things too”?

Ans: Mrs. Jones said that she had done things too to mean that everyone is liable to do mistakes, but they must change. She said these words to make Roger not to feel very bad but to realize his mistake.

2. What is meant by the expression “Shoes got by devilish ways will burn your feet”?

     Ans: The expression, “Shoes got by devilish ways burn your feet”, means things got by evil ways will bring only punishment.

3. What more does Roger want to say, other than just “Thank you”?

     Ans: Other than just “Thank you”, Roger wanted to tell Mrs. Jones that he had realized his mistake and had changed, but his heart was so full that words did not come out.


1. How does Mrs. Jones's kindness to Roger change him? Provide evidence from the text.

Ans: Mrs. Jones went behind the screen to prepare the supper for them leaving her purse on the day bed, Roger never attempted to run away with the purse but sat on the far side of the room where he thought she could easily see him, if she wanted to. He did not trust the woman not to trust him, as he did not want to be mistrusted.


1. How do you think Roger would tell the story of his meeting with Mrs. Jones?

Ans: One day about eleven o’ clock at night I saw a large woman walking alone the road. A large purse slung across her shoulder. I ran behind her and cut the strap. The strap broke. As I lost my balance, I fell on my back and could no get the purse. The woman turned around and kicked me she picked me up and shook me. She dragged me behind her while those who passed by stood and watched.

         She said that if I were her son, she would teach me right from wrong. I was frightened that she would take me to jail. She said that she would not take me anywhere with that dirty face. So, she dragged me home and made me wash my face and comb my hair, so that I looked presentable.

        She asked me why I snatched her purse? Was it because I was hungry? I told her that once she too was young and wanted things, she could not get but she never snatched anyone’s purse. But she too had done things.

        Then she went behind the screen and prepared supper for us. Though she left her purse behind on the day bed, I was much careful to sit on the far side of the room, where she could easily see me because I did not want to be mistrusted by her any more.

        She made me eat to my full. Then gave me ten dollars and asked me to buy blue suede shoes for me. She advised me to behave myself and not to try to snatch any one’s purse.

        When she opened the doors for me, I wanted to tell her that her kindness had changed me completely but my heart was so full that I only managed to say “Thank you”. I never saw her again.


1. Read through the quote given near the author's picture. How do you relate the quotation and the story?

    QUOTE: “When people care for you and cry for you, they can straighten out your soul.”

    Ans: Mrs. Jones kind treatment and the care she showed for roger had changed him completely.

Communicative English Page No: 93 to 101

Exercise 1:

Answer the following questions:

1. What is a topic sentence?

Ans: The first sentence of the paragraph that explicitly expresses the main idea of the paragraph is said to be the topic sentence.

2. Write a note on the structure of a paragraph.

Ans: A paragraph can be structured in different ways depending on the purposes. But all paragraphs should have three important components. Firstly, the main idea of the paragraph should be introduced at the beginning. Secondly, the main idea should be explained and the thirdly, supporting details should be included to explain the main idea.

3. Mention at least two types of paragraphs.

Ans: Description and sequence are two types of paragraphs.

4. Give at least one example to explain cause and effect.

Ans: A stitch in times saves nine. A stitch in time is the causes and the effect is the saving of nine stitches.

5. What are the transitional words/phrases that indicate comparison of ideas?

Ans: Also, another, similarity too are the transitional words used to indicate comparison of ideas.

Exercise 2:

Write a paragraph on the following topics:

1. My dream home

Ans: Home is a symbol of human togetherness, that is, a place where every person learns the first step of his life. Home is a place where we live with our family in full security and safety. My dream house is a place where I wish to live with my parents and siblings. My sweet home should be an ideal place where I should feel secure and comfortable to stay there. My house should be surrounded by a small garden outside with some plans and flowers in it. My dream home should help me to realize my dreams and be a suitable environment for my vision of the future of my life. It should allow me to envision a number of exciting upgrades to my everyday life. My dream home should have enough space and right kind of spaces for every member of my family.

2. Ban of plastics

Ans: Plastics are a man made disaster that will stay with us for thousands of years to come. As plastic is a man made material, it cannot be degraded in nature. The world produces more than six billion metric tons of plastic waste annually. Plastic is dumped in lands and oceans causing massive pollution and environmental problems. On average, a person consumes more than 100 Kg of plastic every year. Irresponsible disposal of plastics will lead to disturbances in the natural ecosystems as well as our food chain. Banning plastics altogether is not possible because we are heavily dependent on plastic every day. From our smartphone to computers to medical devices, plastics exist in every sphere of lives. But banning certain plastic industries like the plastic bag seems like a good idea because alternatives exist for plastic bags. Proper awareness and educational campaign should be conducted to make people aware of the disadvantages of the use of plastics.

3. A stitch in time saves nine.

Ans: When a dress is torn, it must be mended as early as possible. If it is postponed, the small hole may become bigger and will become difficult to be mended or it will not be able to be used anymore. Things done then and there is fruitful. Right things should be done at the right moment as timely action brings great success and achievement and prevents great loss. If one is easy going and lazy and does not do the work when it is little, it will add on, and on, and make it impossible to be done. Students should learn their lessons everyday, otherwise they would find it difficult to learn the entire thing before the examination.        

 Activity 1:

Search for the keywords given below:

a) Mask

Ans: An object normally worn on the face, typically for protection, disguise, performance or entertainment.

b) Computer

Ans: An electronic device that stores, retrieves and processes data. The term was originally given to the humans who perform numerical calculations using calculators such as abacus and slide rule. Later it was given to a mechanical device.

c) Tamilnadu

Ans: A state of India, located in the extreme south of the subcontinent bounded by the Bay of Bengal to the east, the Indian Ocean to the south and by the states of Kerala to the west, Karnataka to the north-west and Andhra Pradesh to the north.

Activity 2:

a. Search for the keyword(s) given below and note down the number of entries displayed.  

          a. cooker – a utensil, person who tends a cooking process, strove

– No of entries:3

b. solar cooker – low tech device, large scale solar cooker

– No of entries:2

c.  box type solar cooker –  outer box, inner cooking box, double glass  lid  – No of entries:3

d. box type solar cooker Tamil Nadu – made in Tamilnadu type.

– No of entry:1    

b. Search for the keyword(s) given below and check if you get the relevant information.

      crane – Siberian Crane, eot crane, tower, sarus crane, hydra crane, crane images, crane games – 7 entries

      Truck crane – book truck crane, Sany STC 500 truck, lower -priced truck crane, mini truck crane, mobile crane – 5 entries

c. If you are looking for 'crane' from the field of Zoology, how will you refine your search?

    The search string should include at least one key word from zoology. It can be ‘bird crane’. This will show information only with regard to the bird species.

Activity 3:

a. Search for the keywords given for the tasks above:

i) Computer – a machine that does everything like opening out new items or expressions, if commanded.

ii) TV – a machine entertainer that telecasts aural / viral pictures.

b. Search using the following keywords:

i) Mango OR picklea stone fruit produced from species of tropical trees belonging to a flowering plant genus Mangifera. Pickle is an edible product, solution of brine or vinegar, a chemical solution, disagreeable or troublesome situation, baseball.

ii)Mango AND pickleMango, a fruit tree, member of cashew family.

iii)“Mango pickle”after meaning refinement, it just means an eatable substance made of mango. 

Activity 4:

Read the following and fill the check list box with a üif yes, and with a x if No.

1.        Plagiarism is a disciplinary offence. ü

2.        Acknowledging the source used is not necessary. x

3.     Checking the Index of a book will not help in selecting a book of reference. ü

4.        Copyright protections apply even to the images posted online. ü

5.        Swayam is one of the e-learning resources of Government of India. ü

6.        e-Pathshala offers e-resources likes audios and videos. ü

7.        Podcast means recommended books. x

8.        QR code is star-shaped. x

9.        Blogs are formal in nature. x

10.   Bibliography means booklovers. x


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Unknown said...

Thank you so much and very useful answers

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

Tqsm for ur answers & instant replies..

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