Showing posts with label B.A English Literature Old Syllabus. Show all posts
Showing posts with label B.A English Literature Old Syllabus. Show all posts

Sunday, January 17, 2021

B.A. English Literature| 6th Semester Syllabus| 3rd Year| Student Admitted prior to 2020 - 2021| University of Madras


(Syllabus for Student Admitted prior to 2020 - 2021)


Semester VI - Core Paper – XIII - Contemporary Literature

Unit-1: Introduction


    Diasporic Writing

    Displacement and Alienation and Identity crisis

    Theme of Acculturation, Assimilation, Globalisation, Hybridity

Unit-2: Prose

1. Joseph Anton - A Memoir: An Extract-

Chap. II – Manuscripts Don’t Burn (Paragraph beginning: “On the day he received the bound proofs of The Satanic Verses.......” Paragraph ending “It was Valentine’s Day”)

2. The Bomb and I - Arundathi Roy

3.  The Medicine Bag - Virginia Driving Hawk Sneve

4.   The Handsomest Drowned Man in the World - Gabriel Garcia Marquez.

5.   Unaccustomed Earth - Jhumpa Lahiri

Unit 3: Poetry

1.    Black Berry Picking - Seamus Heaney

2.    A Far Cry from Africa - Derek Walcott

3.    Hamlet - Wole Soyinka

4.    I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings - Maya Angelou

Unit 4 Drama - Harvest- Manjula Padmanabhan

Unit  5: Fiction - Life of Pi - Yann Martel


Core Paper – XIV :Post-Colonial Literature in English II: Canadian Literature

Unit-1: Introduction

   Post-Colonial Literature

   Origins of Canadian Literature

   Oral traditions including myths, folklore, and legends

   The First Nations: Native Literature

   Colonization and the Colonizers: British and French and economically colonized by the Americans

   The Garrison mentality as a common theme in Canadian literature

   Recent developments and mainstream writers.

Unit-2: Prose

1. Godzilla vs. Post-Colonial – Thomas King

 2. Disunity as Unity: A Canadian Strategy - Robert Kroetsch

Unit-3: Poetry

1. First Neighbours – P K Page

2. Indian Reservation: Caughnawaga – A M Klein

3. The Cattle Thief – Emily Pauline Johnson

4. Like an Old Proud King in a Parable – A J M Smith

Unit-4 : Drama

The Ecstasy of Rita Joe – George Ryga

Unit -5: Short Stories and Fiction

1. Face – Alice Munro

2. “The Hostelry of Mr Smith” (Sunshine Sketches of a Little Town) – Stephen Leacock

3. Cannibal Woman – Ron Geyshick


4. The Edible Woman – Margaret Atwood


Semester VI -Core Paper – XV: Shakespeare

Unit-1: Introduction

    The Age of Shakespeare

    Life of Shakespeare,

    Shakespearean theatre

    Shakespearean audience,

    Shakespearean players,

    Shakespeare Canon,

    Shakespeare’s Texts: Quartos and Folios,

    Shakespeare and Classical conventions,

    Shakespearean comedies, tragedies, histories, romances, problem-plays,

Unit-2: Tragedy - Macbeth

Unit-3: Comedy - Twelfth Night

Unit-4: History - Richard II

Unit-5: Critical Essays

1.    “From Hamlet to Lear” from Shakespeare in a Changing World – Arnold Kettle

2.    “On the Tragedies of Shakespeare” – Charles Lamb from The English Critical Tradition – Ed. S. Ramaswami & V.S. Sethuraman (Vol. I)


Semester VI: Elective Paper-II - World Literature in Translation

 Unit-1: Introduction

    Goethe’s concept of World literature

    Tragedy of Fate

    French Revolution

    Realistic drama of Ibsen and Chekhov



    Concept of the Absurd


Unit-2: Poetry

1.    The Gate of Hell : Canto III (Inferno) - Dante Alighieri

2.    Ithaca- Constantine Petrou Cavafy

3.    The Burning of the Books- Bertolt Brecht

4.    Lot’s Wife- Anna Akhmatova

5.    The End and the Beginning- Wislava Szymborska

Unit-3: Drama - Oedipus Rex – Sophocles

Unit-4: Short Stories

1.The Guest-Albert Camus

2. The Convert - Guy de Maupassant

3. A Christmas Tree and a Wedding - Fyodor Dostoyevsky

4.One Autumn Night - Maxim Gorky

5.The Blizzard - Alexander Pushkin

6.The Fairy Amoureuse– Emile Zola

Unit-5: Fiction - The Count of Monte Cristo – Alexander Dumas


Semester VI: Elective Paper – III: Journalism

Unit-1: Introduction

    Introduction to Journalism

    A Short History of Journalism in India

    Ethics of Journalism

Unit-2: The Press

    Freedom of Press and Threats to Press Freedom

    The Government and the Press

    Press Laws: Defamation, Libel, Contempt of Court, Slander, Copyright Laws, Press Regulation Act, Press Registration Act, Law of Privileges

Unit-3: Reporting News

    Role of the Reporter and the Editor

    Types of News Reports – Straight, Interpretive, Investigative, Scoop, Sting

    Headlines - Editorial, Feature Writing, Personal Column, Reviews, Interviews and Press Conferences

    Reporting – News Values, Human Interest, Story Angle, Obituaries

Unit-4: Layouts, Advertising and News Agencies

    Make-up of a newspaper - Editing, Proof-Reading

    Photographic Journalism, Cartoons, News Agencies, Press Council of India

    Advertisements – Types and Social Responsibility

Exercises - Editing, Proof-reading, Feature Writing, News Reporting, Planning Interviews and Reviews

Unit 5: Electronic and New Media

    Electronic Media- Radio, Television

    Emergence of New Age Media-Definition & Conceptualization of New Media, Future of New Media

    Ethics and Social Responsibilities of New Media


B.A. English Literature| 4th Semester Syllabus| 2nd Year| Student Admitted prior to 2020 - 2021| University of Madras


(Syllabus for Student Admitted prior to 2020 - 2021)





Inst. Hrs



Int. Marks

Ext. Marks


Part  I

Languages -Paper IV






Part  II

English - Paper IV






Part  III         Core Course

Paper-VII –   American Literature I







Paper – VIII–Film and Literature (or) 

Green Studies








Paper IV – Introduction to the Study of Language and Linguistics






Part IV

Soft Skill  IV







Environmental    Studies






 Semester IV

Core Paper – VII - American Literature I

Unit-1: Introduction

Puritanism, Transcendentalism, American War of Independence, Abolition of Slavery

Unit-2: Prose                

1.  Self-Reliance – R.W. Emerson (an extract)

2.  Where I Lived, and What I Lived For – H.D. Thoreau

3.  Gettysburg Address – Abraham Lincoln

Unit-3: Poetry

1.  Nature – H.W. Long fellow

2.  A Letter to Her Husband, Absent upon Public Employment – Anne Bradstreet

3.  Brahma – R.W. Emerson

4.  Out of the Cradle Endlessly Rocking – Walt Whitman

5.  O Captain! My Captain! – Walt Whitman

6.  There’s a certain Slant of light – Emily Dickinson

Unit-4: Short stories

1.  The Cask of Amontillado – Edgar Allan Poe

2.  Bartleby, the Scrivener – Melville

3.  Let Me Feel Your Pulse – O Henry

4.  Pigeon Feathers – John Updike

Unit-5: Fiction

The Scarlet Letter – Nathaniel Hawthorne


Core Paper VIII - Film and Literature (or) Green Studies

Film and Literature

Unit-1: Introduction


Prescribed Text: A Theory of Adaptation by Linda Hutcheon: Chapter1 - "Beginning to theorize adaptation"

The Concept of Film Form: genre / sub-genre (narrative film , avant-garde film, film noir, documentary), Themes tropes - cue - suspense - themes - functions - motif - parallelism - development - unity / disunity

Film Narrative: Title - Story - Plot - narration (Restricted and omniscient) - duration - motivation - motif- parallelism - character traits - cause and effects – exposition - climax - point of view

Unit-2: Adaptation of Contemporary Indian English Fiction

   Danny Boyle's Slum Dog Millionaire (2008)

Unit-3: Adaptation of Fantasy / Science Fiction

   Steven Spielberg's War of the Worlds (2005)

Unit-4: Adaptation of British Literature in Films

   Ang Lee's Sense and Sensibility (1995)

   Rajiv Menon's Kandukondain Kandukondain (2000) (Tamil)

Unit-5: Components of a Film Review

Plot, Genre, Role of actors, Background information, condensed synopsis, argument/analysis, evaluation, recommendation, opinion 


Green Studies

Unit 1: Introduction

Introduction to Eco-criticism - Definition Scope and importance of Ecocriticism

Prescribed: Garrard, Greg, Ecocriticism (Routledge, 2004)

Introducing concepts of Indian ecocriticism –Tinai - significance- ecoregions

Prescribed: Nirmal Selvamony -Tinai in Primal and Stratified Societies

Unit 2: Bioregionalism and Ecofeminism (Greg Gaard)

   Community, Region, Home

Prescribed: Carson Rachel, The Silent Spring (Chapter One-‘A Fable for Tomorrow’)

   Letter to President Pierce,1855 -Chief Seattle (Norton Reader)

   Selected tale from Flowering Tree - A.K Ramanujan (Ecofeminism)


         Deep Ecology Basic Principles-Biocentric Equality- Naess and George Sessions

         Self-Realization: The World is too much with us (Wordsworth)

Unit 3: Environment and Literature

Symbiosis, Mutation, Parasitism Biodiversity

   Wordsworth, ‘Nutting’

   Dylan Thomas –‘The sap that through the green fuse runs’

   The Hungry Tide - Amitav Ghosh (Man and the Environment)

Unit 4: Indian Ecocriticism

(Tinai-  Kurinchi, Neidal, Mullai  Marutam and Palai)

   What She Said - Kapilar,Akananooru 318  A,k.Ramanujan p.14

   What Her Girl Friend Said, the Lover within Earshot, Behind a Fence- Uloccanar. Narrinai 63

Unit 5: Oikopoetics - Oikos, Integrative, Hierarchic Anarchic Oikos

 ‘The Fly’ - D.H. Lawrence and ‘Snake’

Allied Paper – IV Introduction to the Study of Language and Linguistics

Unit-1: Introduction

     Definition of language, spoken and written language

     Diachronic & synchronic approaches of language study

     Linguistics - definition, nature and scope

Unit-2: English Phonetics and Phonology

     Speech Organs

     Sounds in English (Consonants, Vowels and Diphthongs)

     Syllables, Stress and Intonation

     Transcriptions (exercises)

Unit-3: Grammar

     Definition of Grammar

     Different Approaches of Grammar – Descriptive, Prescriptive and Functional

Unit-4:  Syntax

     Structural analysis ( I.C. analysis)

     Deep and surface structure.

Unit-5: Semantics

     Word, morphemes

     Word meaning association (semantics)