Sunday, January 17, 2021

B.A. English Literature| 6th Semester Syllabus| 3rd Year| Student Admitted prior to 2020 - 2021| University of Madras


(Syllabus for Student Admitted prior to 2020 - 2021)


Semester VI - Core Paper – XIII - Contemporary Literature

Unit-1: Introduction


    Diasporic Writing

    Displacement and Alienation and Identity crisis

    Theme of Acculturation, Assimilation, Globalisation, Hybridity

Unit-2: Prose

1. Joseph Anton - A Memoir: An Extract-

Chap. II – Manuscripts Don’t Burn (Paragraph beginning: “On the day he received the bound proofs of The Satanic Verses.......” Paragraph ending “It was Valentine’s Day”)

2. The Bomb and I - Arundathi Roy

3.  The Medicine Bag - Virginia Driving Hawk Sneve

4.   The Handsomest Drowned Man in the World - Gabriel Garcia Marquez.

5.   Unaccustomed Earth - Jhumpa Lahiri

Unit 3: Poetry

1.    Black Berry Picking - Seamus Heaney

2.    A Far Cry from Africa - Derek Walcott

3.    Hamlet - Wole Soyinka

4.    I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings - Maya Angelou

Unit 4 Drama - Harvest- Manjula Padmanabhan

Unit  5: Fiction - Life of Pi - Yann Martel


Core Paper – XIV :Post-Colonial Literature in English II: Canadian Literature

Unit-1: Introduction

   Post-Colonial Literature

   Origins of Canadian Literature

   Oral traditions including myths, folklore, and legends

   The First Nations: Native Literature

   Colonization and the Colonizers: British and French and economically colonized by the Americans

   The Garrison mentality as a common theme in Canadian literature

   Recent developments and mainstream writers.

Unit-2: Prose

1. Godzilla vs. Post-Colonial – Thomas King

 2. Disunity as Unity: A Canadian Strategy - Robert Kroetsch

Unit-3: Poetry

1. First Neighbours – P K Page

2. Indian Reservation: Caughnawaga – A M Klein

3. The Cattle Thief – Emily Pauline Johnson

4. Like an Old Proud King in a Parable – A J M Smith

Unit-4 : Drama

The Ecstasy of Rita Joe – George Ryga

Unit -5: Short Stories and Fiction

1. Face – Alice Munro

2. “The Hostelry of Mr Smith” (Sunshine Sketches of a Little Town) – Stephen Leacock

3. Cannibal Woman – Ron Geyshick


4. The Edible Woman – Margaret Atwood


Semester VI -Core Paper – XV: Shakespeare

Unit-1: Introduction

    The Age of Shakespeare

    Life of Shakespeare,

    Shakespearean theatre

    Shakespearean audience,

    Shakespearean players,

    Shakespeare Canon,

    Shakespeare’s Texts: Quartos and Folios,

    Shakespeare and Classical conventions,

    Shakespearean comedies, tragedies, histories, romances, problem-plays,

Unit-2: Tragedy - Macbeth

Unit-3: Comedy - Twelfth Night

Unit-4: History - Richard II

Unit-5: Critical Essays

1.    “From Hamlet to Lear” from Shakespeare in a Changing World – Arnold Kettle

2.    “On the Tragedies of Shakespeare” – Charles Lamb from The English Critical Tradition – Ed. S. Ramaswami & V.S. Sethuraman (Vol. I)


Semester VI: Elective Paper-II - World Literature in Translation

 Unit-1: Introduction

    Goethe’s concept of World literature

    Tragedy of Fate

    French Revolution

    Realistic drama of Ibsen and Chekhov



    Concept of the Absurd


Unit-2: Poetry

1.    The Gate of Hell : Canto III (Inferno) - Dante Alighieri

2.    Ithaca- Constantine Petrou Cavafy

3.    The Burning of the Books- Bertolt Brecht

4.    Lot’s Wife- Anna Akhmatova

5.    The End and the Beginning- Wislava Szymborska

Unit-3: Drama - Oedipus Rex – Sophocles

Unit-4: Short Stories

1.The Guest-Albert Camus

2. The Convert - Guy de Maupassant

3. A Christmas Tree and a Wedding - Fyodor Dostoyevsky

4.One Autumn Night - Maxim Gorky

5.The Blizzard - Alexander Pushkin

6.The Fairy Amoureuse– Emile Zola

Unit-5: Fiction - The Count of Monte Cristo – Alexander Dumas


Semester VI: Elective Paper – III: Journalism

Unit-1: Introduction

    Introduction to Journalism

    A Short History of Journalism in India

    Ethics of Journalism

Unit-2: The Press

    Freedom of Press and Threats to Press Freedom

    The Government and the Press

    Press Laws: Defamation, Libel, Contempt of Court, Slander, Copyright Laws, Press Regulation Act, Press Registration Act, Law of Privileges

Unit-3: Reporting News

    Role of the Reporter and the Editor

    Types of News Reports – Straight, Interpretive, Investigative, Scoop, Sting

    Headlines - Editorial, Feature Writing, Personal Column, Reviews, Interviews and Press Conferences

    Reporting – News Values, Human Interest, Story Angle, Obituaries

Unit-4: Layouts, Advertising and News Agencies

    Make-up of a newspaper - Editing, Proof-Reading

    Photographic Journalism, Cartoons, News Agencies, Press Council of India

    Advertisements – Types and Social Responsibility

Exercises - Editing, Proof-reading, Feature Writing, News Reporting, Planning Interviews and Reviews

Unit 5: Electronic and New Media

    Electronic Media- Radio, Television

    Emergence of New Age Media-Definition & Conceptualization of New Media, Future of New Media

    Ethics and Social Responsibilities of New Media



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