Wednesday, April 14, 2021

Professional English for Commerce & Management - II, Unit -1 Communicative Competencies, Listening notes, Softskill paper, 1st Year 2nd Semester, Commerce and Management UG Degree

 Professional English for Commerce & Management - II

1st Year 2nd Semester Softskill paper

Unit -1 – Communicative Competencies

1. Listening

 I. Primary Text 1: (Book Page No:05)

 How Blockchain can transform India? – Jaspreet Bindra-TEDx Chennai:

 I. After listening to the above video answer the following questions.

 1. What are the challenges that a hacker may face in the blockchain?


Blockchain is protected by amongst the best cryptography algorithms. So, it is very difficult to hack. The other important thing is that every block added is immutably linked to the last block. And that block is linked to the last block. And so if a hacker comes and wants to change one transaction or a block, he or she has to change the entire chain, which is very difficult to do.

2. Mention the resources that are needed to maintain a Blockchain!


       To maintain Blockchain, you require the following resources. Computing power, electricity, time and money.


3. What are the contradictory views expressed by the finance minister of India on crypto currency and Blockchain?


       The finance minister things that one is good and the other is evil. Cryptocurrencies are evil while blockchains are good.


4. Why do farmers kill themselves as per the video?


       They don’t have farm equipment to make units happen, even if they own land. The land is very small. You can’t do scientific agriculture. You can get output based on the input that you put in. Even if you own that land, most of the times it’s not recorded as theirs. And so you can’t get financing for all the inputs that they want, and they go take loans from other people and they end up killing themselves.


5. How can blockchain help farmers?


       Blockchain is the ideal technology to create fractional ownership. And so farmers can own one tractor, which is still easier to do and all the financing bit and all the complications that arise from there can actually be taken care largely by this technology land.


6. How did the internet emerge as a problem solver?


       The internet solve many problems for us. Our distribution problem with Amazon and YouTube and, you know, video and music and digital files, etc. It also solved our communication problem with email messenger chat.


7. Block chain is able to solve the issues which the internet has failed to solve. Identify the problem mentioned in the video.


       Blockchain is the fact that it promises to solve the two problems that the internet could not the trust problem and the intermediation problem.


II. Add prefixes to the following words!


a) Security - Insecurity

B) Smart - Outsmart

C) Own - Owner

D) Trust - Distrust

E) Power - Empower


III. Fill in the blanks


1. Satoshi Nakamoto invented the concept of block chain.

2. The heart of blockchain technology is single universal ledger.

3. Distributed trust is the soul of the block chain.

4. Mauritius blockchain nation is calling itself a tedium Island.

5. Agriculture in India has 16% of GDP.

6. Andra Pradesh state has already started using Block chains in Agriculture.

7. Punjab national bank is adopting block chains.


IV. Match the Following


1. Chit Funds - a saving and credit product which bears a pre-determined value of a fixed period.

2. Ledger - record used to store bookkeeping entries for balance-sheet.

3. Crypto currency - a growing list of records that are linked using cryptography.

4. Block chain- a digital or virtual currency that is secured by cryptography.


Primary Text 2 (Book Page No:06)

The Power of an Entrepreneurial Mindset- Bill Roche- TEDx LangleyED: 

I. Answer the following questions in connection with the above video:

1. How important it is to nurture the entrepreneurial mindset amidst the

young people?


       A considerable amount of time can be required to educate these young adults to tap into their natural imaginations, to be more flexible and take risks. Teaching and supporting these mindsets and behaviours from an early age should logically lead to higher levels of an entrepreneurial mindset.


2. “In it to Win It”- Explain it with regard to the topic entrepreneurial



       Entrepreneurial mindset helps kids discover that they can make the world a better place it really helps them discover that they can have careers that are fulfilling a meaningful and even and be self-reliant it helps them to discover their passions and their talents and their interest and it helps them discover that they can actually achieve success.

3. Does your society lack an entrepreneurial mindset? State reasons for

the lacking!


       The lack of fear when it comes to innovation and taking risks, and the ability to take failures into stride. If you consider yourself an entrepreneur, it’s important to know why entrepreneurial mindset is important for business.


4. List out some of the young entrepreneurs whom you know? Who

inspired you the most among them? Why?


Some of the Indian young entrepreneurs are - Ritesh CEO OYO Rooms, Trishneet CEO TAC Security, Akhilendra CEO ASTNT Technologies Pvt Ltd ,Tilak CEO Papers N Parcels.

Ritesh Agarwal’s (Young Indian Entrepreneur) entrepreneurial journey is one of the most successful entrepreneur stories in India. After dropping out of college, he launched his first start-up Oravel Stays, which was a budget hotel chain that provided B&B. And that elevated to OYO rooms from when he realized no other service offered a room for a budget traveler. Begun with only 11 rooms in a Gurgaon hotel, OYO rooms is now a hub for elite hotel stays with 65000 rooms in about 5500 properties across India.


5. How can an education system of a country support and prepare the

young minds towards entrepreneurship?


       Learners are at the core of teaching, and entrepreneurship education can equip them with an entrepreneurial mindset, which can lead to greater involvement and engagement across core studies. Learning can be more enjoyable when embedded in real-life examples and when individuals are given the opportunity to take ownership of their own success.


6. List out the other Key features that will really help the entrepreneurs

be successful in businesses, besides Bill Roche’s three strategies!


       The students have the freedom to explore and experiment and treat mistakes simply as learning opportunities. Students need to have the chance to really reflect on their experiences and be able to identify and internalize. Self reflection stage is really key because it gets them a chance to really define who they are as individuals.


7. What do you think is the most important skill a person should obtain to solve problems in the business environment, Critical or Creative?


       Creative skill is important because it helps to solve problems in business environment.


8. How trade shows would help the entrepreneurs flourish in their businesses?


       The young entrepreneur show, it’s like a trade show. They get to interact with customers and they earn real money. It helps the entrepreneurs to flourish in their businesses.


II. Find out the Etymology of the following words used by the Expert in the video!


1. Entrepreneur- entreprendre means to undertake

2. Profit - profectus means progress

3. Creativity – creare means make

4. Survey – surveoir means to examine 

5. Critical – criticus means to find fault

6. Marketing - mercatus means a market

7. Strategy - strategos means general

8. Data -  datum means to give

9. Consensus – consens means agreed

10. Trade – means path or track


III. Identify the kind of sentences (Declarative, Interrogative, Imperative, Exclamatory, Negative sentence, Conditional etc.) given below that are taken from the Video Presentation!


1. What color would you like? Interrogative

2. Mimie was not a strong academic student. Declarative

3. What can I make a difference in the world by creating a product? Negative sentence

4. Give it a try! Conditional

5. If you take risks, you will succeed! Exclamatory


IV. Discover the meanings for the following idioms (Used by the Expert) in business context! Write sentences by using them!


1. Head on - To deal with a difficult problem directly, bravely and with determination.

2. On Board - To support or agree with something.

3. Move Forward - To advance in position or progress.

4. Hanging up - To give up on someone or something.

5. Roll up - To prepare for hard work.


VI. Identify singular or plural from the following words!


1. Data - Datum

2. Fact – Facts

3. Consensus - Consensus

4. Strategy - Strategies

5. Prototype - Prototypes


VIII. Learn Some Business Buzz given below and list out the

Business words that you know!


1. Deep Dive

2. Corporate Energy

3. Bleeding edge

4. Move the Needle

5. Low hanging fruit

6. Think out of the box

7. Advertainment

8. Big Data

9. Content Is King

10. Customer Journey

11. Customer Retention

12. Personalization

13. Touchpoint

14. Voice of the Customer

15. Live Streaming


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