Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Aspects of English Language – II, 2nd Year 4th Semester, BA English Literature syllabus, University of Madras

University of Madras

Syllabus with effect from 2020-2021

BA English Literature

[2nd Year, 4th Semester]




Unit 1: Introduction


1.1 What is Linguistics? – Linguistics as a science

1.2 Nature and scope of Linguistics

1.3 Synchronic and Diachronic approaches

1.4 Branches of study

1.5 Kinds of Linguistics - Descriptive, Comparative and Historical


Unit 2: English Phonetics and Phonology -I


2.1 Introduction to Phonetics and Phonology – The unphonetic character of English Orthography and the need for a phonetic script – phonetics , phonemics, phonics

2.2 Organs of Speech - Respiratory Region, Phonatory Region and Articulatory Region, Air Stream Mechanisms

2.3 Segmental Phonemes - Consonants – Definition– Articulation of individual Consonants Three term Label

2.4 FIVE point Description – Position of the Vocal Cords, Position of the Soft Palate, Place of Articulation, Manner of Articulation – Active and Passive Articulators

2.5 Minimal Pairs- Contrastive Distribution, Phonetic Environment – Allophones – Complementary distribution and Free Variation


Unit 3: English Phonetics and Phonology -II


3.1 Vowels – Definiton, Cardinal vowels, Vowel Chart

3.2 Description of Vowels – Pure vowels, Diphthongs, Triphthongs – Three Term label, Description of individual Vowels

3.3 Syllable, Syllabic division, Syllabic Structure, Consonant clusters, Arresting and Releasing consonants

3.4 Stress - Word Stress, Sentence Stress, Rhythmic Stress/ Stress timed Rhythm Intonation – Tone group, Tonic syllable, Tone (Static and Kinetic)

3.5 Suprasegmental features – Assimilation, Elision, Linking and Intrusive ‘r’ Glossary of Phonological Terms- I

Language in Use: Transcription – words and single sentences, Reverse Transcription, Using a Dictionary to note IPA symbols and stress markers.


Unit4: Morphology and Word Formation


4.1 Morphemes – Free and bound Morphemes

4.2 Affixes -Prefix, Suffix and Infix

4.3 Allomorphs - Zero morphemes Empty Morphemes

4.4 Compound Words, Back formation Portmanteau words, Clipping of Words

4.5 Morphophonemics - Phonetic Realization of Plural, Past, Third Person Singular morphemes (pronunciation of – ed, -s &-es)

Language in Use: Morphological analysis of words in sentences, separating portmanteau words


Unit 5: Semantics


5.1 Word Meaning – Associative and Denotative Meaning

5.2 Seven Types of Meaning (logical or Conceptual, Connotative, social, affective, reflected, collective and thematic)

5.3 Lexical Relations - Collocation, Homonymy, homophony, Hyponymy, Polysemy, Synonymy, Antonymy)

5.4 Semantic Roles

5.5 Semantic Field

Glossary of Semantic Terms- I

Language in Use: testing all types of meaning in context


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