Wednesday, September 21, 2022

Allied Paper III: BACKGROUND TO ENGLISH LITERATURE-III, B.A English Literature, 2nd Year, 3rd Semester

University of Madras

Syllabus with effect from 2020-2021

BA English Literature

[2nd Year, 3rd Semester]

Background to English Literature-III



I. Literary Forms

1.1  POETRY - Idylls, Epistles, Confessional, Imagism-Haiku, War- Georgian, Slam/Spoken Word Poetry

1.2 DRAMA - Poetic Drama, Problem Play, Cup- and -Saucer drama, Well- made Play, Expressionist Theatre,

1.3 DRAMA - Epic theatre, Theatre of Cruelty, Absurd Drama, Kitchen- Sink Drama, Bread and Puppet Theatre

1.4 NOVEL - Detective, Regional, Social, Bildungsroman

1.5 NOVEL -Psychological, Stream of Consciousness, Sci-Fi, Anti-Novel

II. Literary Devices/Concepts.

1.6 POETRY - Onomatopoeia, Pathetic fallacy, Poetic license, Apostrophe, Personification, oxymoron, zeugma

1.7 DRAMA - Poetic justice [Nemesis], Alienation effect, Defamiliarization, Fourth Wall, breaking the Fourth Wall, Disguise, Foreshadowing, Suspension of disbelief

1.8 NOVEL - Satire, Epiphany, Paradox, Symbolic, Flat and Round Characters

Unit 2: Impact of the History of language on Literature

2.1 The Evolution of Standard English – pages 148-157

2.2 Idiom and Metaphor- pages 158-171

2.3 The Foreign Contribution – pages – 172-193

[Text. History of English Language by F.T. Wood. Trinity Press. Revised edition, 2016]

Unit 3: Literary History - TWENTIETH CENTURY

3.1 Twentieth Century poetry influenced by French symbolism – page 1123; W.B.Yeats’ “Sailing to Byzantium” – page 1131; T.S. Eliot’s “Wasteland”– page 1133; poets of the 1930s – page 1136; Ted Hughes – page 1151

3.2 Twentieth century novel –an introduction - pages 1152-1153; E.M. Forster’s Passage to India – page 1158; Virginia Woolf’s Mrs. Dalloway – page 1160;

3.3 James Joyce’s Ulysses – page 1163;D.H. Lawrence’s Sons and Lovers – page 1164;George Orwell’s Animal Farm - page 1169

3.4 T.S.Eliot’s poetic drama – Murder in the Cathedral – page 1111;

3.5 John Osborne’s Look Back in Anger – page 1112

[Text - A Critical History of English Literature- Volume II – The Restoration to the Present Day by David Daiches. Revised. Indian Edition 2010. Supernova Publishers.]

Unit 4: World War I

4.1 CAUSES - Assassination of Austrian Arch Duke [June1914], Declarations of War by Austria, Germany, Britain, France, Montenegro, Japan.

4.2 EVENTS - Trench warfare begins at Marnes in France [Sep.1914]/ Chemical Warfare [April 1915]/ Failed attempt to recapture Constantinople by ANZAC and British troops [April 1915]/ Sinking of Lusitania [May 1915],/ Battle of Verdun, France [Feb.1916]/ Battle of Somme launched by Britain [July 1916],

4.3 Vladimir Lenin and the Bolshevik Rebellion in Russia / Russian Civil War, America enters War [April 1917] Tank Warfare at Cambrai [1917]

4.4 RESULTS- Russia surrenders claim to Ukraine, Poland and Baltic territories [Mar.1918], Armistice [11 Nov. 1918]

4.5 IMPACT OF WWI - America becomes Super Power, Collapse of Germany, Russia, Turkey, Austria leading to WW II, Woodrow Wilson and the League of Nations

[Text: A History of England. John Thorn, Roger Lockyer and David Smith. AITBS Publishers, India, 2012 – Pages 532-540]

Unit 5: World War II

5.1 Introduction - Axis Powers [Germany, Italy, Japan], Allied Powers [ Britain, France, Russia, U.S.A.]

5.2 Causes Of World War II - The Rise of Adolf Hitler and t Nazism and THIRD REICH/Rise of Fascism in Italy, Blitzkrieg and the Battle of Britain, Battle of the Atlantic, The Holocaust, Operation Barbarossa - The German Invasion of the Soviet Union

5.3 Attack on Pearl Harbour - America Enters the War, D-Day - Allied Invasion of Europe, Hiroshima and Nagasaki - Japan Surrenders, Life During World War II

5.4 End of World War II, Key Figures of World War II

5.5 Results and Aftermath of World War II- Rise Of Communism In Eastern Europe, The Cold War, Division Of Germany, The Berlin Wall, Birth Of Israel, War Time Crimes Tribunal, America’s Role In Rebuilding Europe And Japan, Independence To British Colonies, The United Nations

[Text: A History of England. John Thorn, Roger Lockyer and David Smith. AITBS Publishers, India, 2012 - Pages 558-566]


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