Wednesday, March 15, 2023

What He Said by Ilankiranar, Narrinai 3 (57) poem summary, Indian Literatures in English, 3rd Year 6th Semester, B.A English Literature, Syllabus, University of Madras

B.A English Literature

3rd Year 6th Semester

Indian Literatures in English

Unit -1 : Poetry

1.2 What He Said

Ilankiranar, Narrinai 3 (Page 57)

                    - to his heart arguing against further ambition and travel 



A hen-eagle broods, sick

in the great branches

lifted to the sky,


in a neem tree

with cracked trunk and dotted shade

where unschooled children

scratch their squares

on a rock

flat as a touchstone

and play marbles with gooseberries


in that wilderness

with fierce little settlements

of marauders,

the bow their only plow,


and as evening comes creeping in,

sapping my strength, what can I do

but think of her,


who is sweet as a deed

long wished for and done,


standing there

in this hour of memories

in front of a house lamp




      Once upon a time the materially estranged husband arguing to his heart against further ambition and travel that his wife was waiting for his arrival.

      The hero of this poem describe his village that it was the desert plain land with harsh villages. In that wilderness land, bows are a source of livelihood for bandits. The illiterate children draw squares the shape of touchstones and play using gooseberries as dice below the neem tree with cracked trunk and dotted shade. The neem tree raised its branches to sky high, where the hen eagle is seated with her brood. The sick hen eagle distressed because she can’t collect food for her chicks.

      The hero instruct his heart to get rid the thought of leaving again to his village where his wife waiting for his arrival. There in the dark evening hour which saps strength of memories, did he not think of the young wife who is sweet like deeds wished and done, who lights splendid lamps in their house with sorrow.

      Through this poem the hero share his feeling to his heart, who fears and regrets the pain of separation from his wife, and does not consider it, is that he has gone beyond the material and dressed in the joy of recovery.

Tamil version of this Poem:

நற்றிணை 3, இளங்கீரனார்.
- பாலைத் திணைதலைவன் தன் நெஞ்சிடம் சொன்னது (57)

ஈன் பருந்து உயவும் வான் பொரு நெடுஞ்சினைப்
பொரி அரை வேம்பின் புள்ளி நீழல்,
கட்டளை அன்ன இட்டு அரங்கு இழைத்துக்
கல்லாச் சிறாஅர் நெல்லி வட்டு ஆடும்,
வில் ஏர் உழவர் வெம்முனைச் சீறூர்ச் 
சுரன் முதல் வந்த உரன் மாய் மாலை
உள்ளினென் அல்லெனோ யானே, உள்ளிய
வினை முடித்தன்ன இனியோள்
மனை மாண் சுடரொடு படர் பொழுது எனவே?


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