Friday, January 1, 2021

Professional English Answer Key Unit 1| Softskills Paper for Arts and Social Science Degree| 1st Year 1st Semester UG Degree| Madras University 2020


1st Year, 1st Semester

Unit – 1 - Answer Key

Preparatory Activity:   Page No : 09

Ask the students to read the following quotes and choose the one they like the most. They have to give reasons for their choice.


1.  The statement of Confucius is meant for those who feel discouraged in failures and loss of confidence. These people should realize that failure is the steppingstone for success. In fact, the disappointments and frustration are not there to be experienced forever. If one has confidence and determination to achieve, he can very well taste the fruits of victory in the near future.

2.  George Santayana is a famous philosopher who believed in remembering the past. Anyone failing to do so will only have to realize it in his later days, for much experience and professionalism can be attained only by looking to the past and its leaders.

3.   Marcus Garvey is another writer believing in the past history, origin and culture. He compares those without the knowledge of the past to trees without roots. As these rootless trees get dislodged in times of rough weather, so too men with weak knowledge of what happened earlier on in their elders’ time get conquered easily by others.

4.   Martin Luther King Jr. was America’s social reformer. He always followed Mahatma Gandhi’s principles of non-violence and truth. In the aftermath of the Second World War, which is the transition period in history, he lived to see the bad people who raised their voice for a confused set up and good people who remained silent during chaos and unnecessary warfare. This is the greatest tragedy according to King.

5.  Maya Angelou’s statement is significant in that it tells the values of history and men getting renewed hope and confidence in facing up to new challenges and problems. The knowledge of history makes one a liberalized individual. He is sure to gain from the perspective he gets from history.


Speaking Activities:

2. Role play

(b) Two students are caught by the teacher for copying in the exam hall. They are taken to the principal room by the teacher. Students have to escape the situation with humour. - Page No : 15


Teacher: Balu and Gopu, you cannot write the examination anymore.

Balu : Please excuse me madam, I didn’t intend to do it wantonly.

Gopu: Pardon me madam, this is the last time for me. I will be hones in future.

Teacher : I will hand over both of you to the Principal.

Balu & Gopu: Sorry Madam, we will not go before him.

Teacher : Nothing doing, The Principal will take suitable action.

Balu & Gopu: Please Madam, let the matter be disposed of here itself. We shall be good boys in future. We promise that we will not indulge in copying anymore.

Teacher: Okay, I will excuse you this time. Go to your class teacher and give him a letter promising to be good boys.


Pre-reading Activity

A. Pair Activity - Page No : 15

Look at the picture below and guess what is it about? Discuss the picture with your neighbor and frame one sentence each about the picture  


        The picture is about man’s landing on a planet. Discussion between A and B:

A: What do you think about the picture, my friend.

B: I think the men in the picture are in surprise at the surface before them.

A: How many of them are there, are you able to guess?

B: Yes, there are three of them. They walk slowly one after the other.

A: You are right. They want to probe the mysteries on the planet.

B: You know, they have the risk in doing so.

A: Right. But the planet has to be probed for what is contains

B: Yes, let us hope that they return safely after their adventure.


Reading Passage 2

Pre-reading Activity - Page No : 21

During lockdown, apart from cleaning their houses, people spent their time reading books, watching TV, browsing websites, using social media, gaming etc. How did you spend your days during lockdown?

Draw a pie chart to describe a day in lockdown. It should depict what you usually do in those lockdown days. After completing your pie diagram, share it with your friend and see how long each one has spent in using electronic gadgets? Report to the classroom to see who has spent the most number of hours in using electronic gadgets like TV, mobile phone, laptop etc.


        During lockdown I spent my days watching, browsing websites, reading books, etc. I have planned the time table in such a way that I could usefully spend all these days much to my own satisfaction. After getting up every day in the morning, I will read newspapers and discuss the leading events of the day with my father and friends. After breakfast, I will listen to some discourses from holy men from the TV and after a break I will browse useful websites from the net. I will also take down notes from the web pages that I browse. I will take tea and then write poems to the magazines I subscribe every month. I will check with my dictionary for any error that might have crept in. At noon I take my lunch and rest myself for a while. In the afternoon I read some novels and weekly magazines in my mother tongue. After taking coffee in the evening, I set out for playing indoor games with my brothers at home. At six’ o clock I go and watch TV for any news and special programs. I discuss with my people at home the important occasions that come up in the near future. Then I take supper and go to bed. This was my routine during the lockdown days. 

D. Group Work: Page No : 24

Do you agree with the author that Internet addiction is bad for students in particular? If yes, can you suggest some ways to address this problem? If no, give reasons for your viewpoint. Discuss these in groups and present your findings to the class.


I agree with the author. It is bad for students in particular Discussions follows:

Sekar: I feel, Ramu, that internet causes mental invisibility.

Ramu: Why do you think so? Whenever we need we can go to the internet.

Sekar: But I go to it often and refer important matters in it.

Ramu: That is good. But anything used within a limit has its own advantages.

Sekar: I agree. How can I use it to the minimum?

Ramu: There is a solution to it. You have other accessories like dictionaries, thesaurus, encyclopedia, etc… You can use them instead.

Sekar: Good point. The teacher also is a means by which we can have information.

Ramu: Right. By making use of the internet to the minimum we can save our physical limbs to a certain extent. We get less eye problem and other body aches.

Sekar: Yes, we can submit our findings to the class. Thank you.


Read the following passage on French Revolution and answer the questions given below:  Page No : 26 to 28

A. The discontent with the French monarchy and the poor economic policies of the King was the cause for French Revolution. Nobilities lived a life of luxury and common people lived in poverty. Make three comparative statements about life of luxury and a life of poverty and complete the following table.


Life of Luxury

Life of Poverty

The nobility lived lives of luxury.

The Third Estate paid most of the taxes.

They got all high-ranking jobs.

Thousands of people were executed.

This group took control of the country.

Poor economic policies of the king made life difficult for poor people.

B. In France, at the time of the Revolution, there were “three estates”. Based on this terminology, there is a “fourth estate” in modern society. Find out what is the “fourth estate” and write a few lines about it.


        The press is called fourth estate. In all countries there is press freedom to cover all kinds of news. The pressman will not be afraid to hide things or persons’ unfair behavior. They call a spade. As they are fearless in their coverage of news pertaining to any kind of news, they are called by the name ‘fourth estate.’ They are like estate owners and will have to be given due privilege in any venue where they cover the news.

C. Why was one period called as ‘Reign of Terror’?


        The period is called as ‘Region of Terror’ because violence is let loose against people who do not follow the diktat of the ruling party. By using manpower, weapons and artillery they will go about destroying innocent people who fight for their rights.

D. What do you know about slavery? Was it restricted only to France? What role did Abraham Lincoln play in the topic of slavery?


        Slavery is a form of oppression of the poor and under-privileged sections of people. The cruel exercise of power in the hands of the masters promotes slavery among the poor folks. It was not restricted to France alone. In America in the 18th century Abraham Lincoln as President fell a prey to the assassin’s bullet because he supported the slaves. He did a lot to ameliorate the conditions of the slaves during his rule as President of America.

Click the below picture for remaining task answers from Unit -1, Professional English, Softskill paper for Arts and Social Science UG Degree.

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Unknown said...

Tq so much ga mam

Unknown said...

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Unknown said...

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