Sunday, January 17, 2021

Professional English Answer Key Unit 2| Softskills Paper for Arts and Social Science Degree| 1st Year 1st Semester UG Degree| Madras University 2020

 Professional English

(Softskills for Arts and Social Sciences)

1st Year, 1st Semester

Unit – II

Role play Activity: (Book Page No: 37)

a. A mentor expressing concern over the poor performance of his ward to him.


Ram: Hello Bala, Why have you fared badly in the examination?

Bala: Sorry Sir, I could not remember what I had read.

Ram: I have warned you not to pay attention to minor things in life.

Bala: True sir. There was a function in my house. So I did not read well.

Ram: Whatever it is, when it comes to exam, you must prepare well.

Bala: Excuse me this time, sir, I promise to do well in future.

Ram: Be warned. This is the last time warning. Do well in future.

Bala: Thank you sir.


b. As the MLA of a constituency, debate over poor drinking water availability in your locality in the legislative assembly


MLA : Sir, I would like to represent an important issue before the assembly.

Speaker: Yes, Please do so in five minutes.

MLA: In my constituency water supply to the houses in the western part of the town has almost stopped. People come and report to me about this for the past ten days. No action has been take so far by the municipal council.

Member A: This is the case with almost all the towns in the state.

Member B: Steps should be taken to see what has gone wrong.

MLA: I hear that in some places water is illegally taken from the tank in the night.

Speaker: You give it in writing. I will ask the minister to reply to your demand.

Minister: I understand there is a problem of drinking water in the area. Don’t worry, I will send my officials to the place and do the needful.

Speaker: Are you satisfied now?

MLA: Thank you, sir. But let action be taken immediately.

Speaker: Okay, that will be done.


Reading Passage 1 (Book Page No: 39)

Read the following passage and make notes of the important points of the paragraph in the margin against each passage. After reading the passage, answer the questions given below:


Notes Section : SPSS, a software package -  IBM’s acquisition – researchers and marketing companies – use it – SPSS manual – base software has statistical analysis, data management & data documentation – description, bivariate, group identification are included – constraints of SPSS – two dimensional table structure – two data types – case by case data processing – separate matrix session.

Post- Reading Activities (Book Page No: 40)

1. Based on the notes you made, write the main idea of the passage in not more than three sentences.

Answer: SPSS software package is used in the social sciences, research field, survey companies, government and marketing organizations. Base software includes descriptive statistics, bivariate statistics factor analysis and cluster analysis, geo-spatial analysis and simulation. Data processing occurs sequentially and files can be matched using matrix session.

2. What are the uses of SPSS software?

Answer: It is used in social sciences, research, survey companies, government, marketing organizations and data processing system.

3. What are the main features of basic SPSS software?

Answer: The basic software has descriptive statistics, bivariate statistics, prediction for identifying groups, geo-spatial analysis and simulation.

4. List three major limitations of using this software.

Answer: It places constraints on internal file structure, data processing and matching files.

5. Based on the passage, who do you think would benefit from this software?

Answer: Those interested in data processing, individuals and companies interested in statistical analysis and data documentation would benefit from this software.

Reading Passage 2

Pre-reading activity

A. Vocabulary – Pair work (Book Page No: 42)


1. Consume

Meaning: Eat, Use things, etc…

Sentence: This engine consumes too much energy.

2. Scarce

Meaning: Rare, Not much, Without sufficient quantity.

Sentence: Onion is a scarce commodity here.


Meaning: Give up something precious, Lose one’s life.

Sentence: I want to follow a diet that is healthful without sacrificing taste.

4. Apportion

Meaning: Divide.

Sentence: The father apportioned his property among his four sons.

5. Assumptions

Meaning: Take things for granted.

Sentence: I set the table for eight people, on the assumption that John would come.

6. Rationality

Meaning: Quality of being logical

Sentence: Overall, though, perhaps we need to broaden our concept of political rationality.

7. Interpretation

Meaning: An explanation

Sentence: We had different interpretations of the survey results.

8. Aggregated

Meaning: Average

Sentence: The football team had a low goal aggregate last season.

9. Vary

Meaning: Change.

Sentence: Their services vary depending on the customer.

10. Monetary

Meaning: Financial.

Sentence: The monetary unit of Japan is the yen.

11. Allocation

Meaning: Division.

Sentence: The school gave them a generous allocation of money with which to purchase books.

12. Generates

Meaning: Produces.

Sentence: How can it be said that trade actually generates wealth?

13. Efficiency

Meaning: Excellence in Functioning.

Sentence: The efficiency of the administration was praised by the president.

14. Proportion

Meaning: Measurement.

Sentence: The proportion of women graduates has increased in recent years.

15. Consumption

Meaning: Usage.

Sentence: Water consumption decreased during the winter.

16. Influenced

Meaning: Attracted.

Sentence: My teacher influenced my decision to study English.



Writing Definitions

Write definitions for the following terms. Use dictionary for reference. (Book Page No: 45)

1. Algorithm – A process or set of rules that precisely defines a sequence of operations especially by a computer.

2. Bank - A financial institution licensed to receive deposits and make loans.

3. Reservoir rock - A permeable rock that contains oil or gas in appreciable quantity.

4. Poverty - The state of one who lacks a usual or socially acceptable amount of money or material possessions.

5. Patriarchal society - A social system in which men hold primary power and predominate in roles of political leadership, moral authority, social privilege and control of property.

Based on the checklist, try writing extended definition for the following: (Book Page No: 46)

Aristocracy  -  It refers to (a) the highest class in certain societies, typically comprising people of noble birth holding hereditary titles and offices. (b) a form of government in which power is held by the nobility. (c) a state in which governing power is held by the nobility. (d) a group regarded as privileged or superior in a particular sphere.

Psychokinesis – This is also called telekinesis, in parapsychology, the action of mind on matter, in which objects are supposedly caused to move or change as a result of mental concentration upon them. The physical nature of psychokinetic effects contrasts with the cognitive quality of extrasensory perception (ESP), the other major grouping of parapsychological phenomena. Claimed effects of psychokinesis include levitation and metal bending; such displays are common, though fraudulent, in theatrical magic.

Industrialization - The period of social and economic change that transforms a human group from an agrarian society into an industrial society. This involves an extensive re-organization of an economy for the purpose of manufacturing.

Migration - The permanent change of residence by an individual or group; it excludes such movements as nomadism, migrant labour, commuting, and tourism, all of which are transitory in nature. Human migrations within recorded history have transformed the entire aspect of lands and continents and the racial, ethnic, and linguistic composition of their populations.

Holocaust - The killing of some six million Jews by the Nazis during World War II. To the Nazis, the Holocaust was the “Final Solution” to the “Jewish problem,” and would help them establish a pure German master race. Much of the killing took place in concentration camps, such as Auschwitz and Dachau.

Read the following passage and answer the following questions: (Book Page No: 48- 49)

1. Match the words in column A with their meanings in column B



Column A

Column B









Death toll



Interested party




2. Write single line definitions for the words taken from the passage.

(a) Tsunami - An unusually large sea wave produced by a seaquake or undersea volcanic eruption.

(b) Earthquake - A sudden violent shaking of the ground, typically causing great destruction, as a result of movements within the earth's crust or volcanic action.

(c) Research project - A scientific endeavor to answer a research question.

(d) Historical event - An event or discovery marking an important stage or turning point in something.

(e) Census - An official count or enumeration of members of a population (not necessarily human), usually residents or citizens in a particular region, often done at regular intervals.

3. According to the author, what is the aim of this research study?

The author hopes to contribute to a clearer and objective understanding of the historical event of tsunami and earthquake in downtown Lisbon and to generate knowledge about this event.

4. What does the Figure 1 depict?

It depicts the coastline map of Portugal.

5. What was the event that forms the basis for this research?

Earthquake triggering a tsunami in Lisbon forms the basis for this research.

6. Pair work:

Tsumani is a long tidal wave occurring on the sea in stormy conditions. Earthquake is also like tsunami having its epicenter under sea. The tectonic plates of the sea get displaced under the tsunami. In the same way in the case of an earthquake there is displacement. The tidal waves during tsunami are fierce and terrible. But in earthquake there are only aftershocks. Disaster and destruction happen in both cases. In tsunami times there are floods. On the other hand, there are tremors and cracks during earthquake. Valcano erupts and there is landslide on a large-scale during tsunami. In contrast, there is rupture and seismic activity in earthquake.

Writing Captions

Writing caption for the following visuals: (Book Page No: 50 - 51)

Figure 1: The battered sea coast after a tsunami.

Figure 2:  An official inspecting the place devastated by tsunami and floods through aerial view.

Figure 3: Forest fire destroying plants and trees.

Figure 4: A tsunami ravaged area seen with shattered cottages.

Describing a picture

Describing the following picture: (Book Page No: 52)


As the place has been completely flooded, the army is out of safely evacuate the suffering people Their houses have been washed away by the fury of the floods and so they are being rescued by emergency boats to a safer place Two army men are in the front leading them to safety One more man is in the bac side verifying the safe movement of the boat across the flooded region. The family people include women and children who are fear-stricken and anxious to move and only elderly persons and army personnel walk through the water surface making it difficult for them to push the boat along. With anxiety and fear writ large on their faces, it is indeed a heart-rending picture.

Click the below picture for remaining task answers from Unit -2, Professional English, Softskill paper for Arts and Social Science UG Degree.

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Unknown said...

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Unknown said...

Unit3 balance answers and unit4 upload panunga mam semester has been come

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

Mam 53 task answer mam?

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