Thursday, February 25, 2021

Professional English Unit 5 Answer Key | Softskills Paper for Arts and Social Science Degree| 1st Year 1st Semester UG Degree| Madras University 2020

 Professional English

(Softskills for Arts and Social Sciences)

1st Year, 1st Semester

Unit – V



Read the passages carefully and take notes from it, keeping in mind the heading and the subordinate points. The first one is worked out for you. (Book pg no. 97)

2. Who knew that chimpanzees love to dance? They also like to clap along to music, and nod their head, tap their feet and move in time with the rhythm. A new study shows that chimpanzees could appreciate music. The researchers are from Kyoto University in Japan. They say their study could help us understand how early humans developed an interest in music. Researchers Dr Yuko Hattori and professor Masaki Tomonaga conducted tests on seven chimps. They played the apes six two-minute songs on a piano for six days. The researchers said the chimps had a definite sense of rhythm and it changed their mood. The male chimpanzees seemed to respond to the melodies more than the females. The researchers wrote that chimpanzees could have passed on a liking for music and dance to early humans millions of years ago. This could have happened via a common ancestor around six million years ago. The researchers said the study suggested that our love of dancing was deep inside the earliest humans. Dr Hattori said: "Chimpanzees dance to some extent in the same way as humans." She added: "In humans, listening to music causes rhythmic movement, suggesting a close connection between the auditory and motor areas in the brain." She believes the research could shed light on the evolution of dancing in humans and why we love melody and rhythm so much.



a) Study on the rhythmic movement of chimpanzees.

(i) Clapping, Nodding, Aping and Moving in tune with rhythm.

(ii) Study helps in development of early humans.

b) Tests on seven chimpanzees.

(i)  Two minute songs on piano

(ii) Rhythm changes their mode

(iii) Males more responsive to music then females

c)  Common ancestor six million years ago.

(i) Chimpanzees dance like humans

(ii) Close connection between auditory and motor areas between them.



TASK 1: (Book pg no. 104)

Work in pairs and attempt to find solutions for the following problem:

Nowadays many people have access to computers on a wide basis and a large number of children play computer games. What are the negative impacts of playing computer games and what can be done to minimize the bad effects?


        The enormous growth in the use of the computer in recent decades has led to radical changes in the way that a huge number of children play computer games. Although, this is a serious problem there are ways to tackle this issue.

        It is certainly true that with the ease of computer games children have become introverts and socially aloof. Over the past, toddlers used to play outdoor games with their peers which resulted in the development of skills such as leadership and teamwork. On the contrary, these days, children are becoming reclusive as they play alone with their computer games. Therefore, they do not easily mingle with others. There is no doubt that this affects their mental development, which is a negative impact for the children and for society.

        On the brighter side, there are several ways to reduce the bad effects of playing computer games. Mostly, it is the responsibility of the parents to see if their children are getting enough attention. Parents must spend considerable amount of time with their children and they need to maintain a healthy relationship with them. Moreover, there must be proper scrutiny of the time spent on computers, and gaming consoles must be restricted.

        Finally, children can also be encouraged to participate in team sports and community works through which they acquire different skills. All these factors could minimize the negative effects of gaming.

TASK 2 (Book pg no. 104)

List the problems in the current education system and try to give creative solutions as students of the contemporary generation.


List the problems in the current education system:

1. Lack of infrastructure: Approximately 95.2 per cent of schools are not yet compliant with the complete set of RTE infrastructure indicators according to survey conducted in 2010.They lacks drinking water facilities, a functional common toilet, and do not have separate toilets for girls.

Number of boards causes non uniformity of curriculum throughout India so maintenance of quality standard is quite difficult.

2. Inadequate government Funding: The demand for financial resources far exceeds the supply. Very small amount is available for innovative programs and ideas.

3. Poor global ranking of institutes: Only 4 universities are featured in first 400. This is largely because of high faculty-student ratio and lack of research capacity

4. System of education: Education is information based rather than knowledge based. The whole focus is on cramming information rather than understanding it and analyzing it.

5. Gap between education provided and industry required education: Industry faces a problem to find suitable employee as education provided is not suitable for directly working in industry so before that a company is required to spend large amount on providing training for employee.

6. Gender issues: Traditional Indian society suffers from many kind of discrimination so there are many hurdles in education of unprivileged sections of society like women, SC, ST and minority.

7. Costly higher education: Very minimal amount of subsidy is provided for higher education so if student seeks to get chances of higher education still he misses out because of lack of economical resources.

Solutions for these problems:

1. Adoption of technology: Effective use of technological tools in teaching has many benefits. It will solve the many problems of infrastructure, quality.

2. Teacher training: Teachers' training remains one of the most chaotic, neglected and deficient sectors of India's vast education system. This needs to be changed as they virtually hold the destiny of the future generations in their hands.

3. More government spending: India targeted towards devoting 6% share of the GDP towards the educational sector, the performance has definitely fallen short of expectations. Also, funding is needed to be spend on building infrastructure.

4. Inclusive education system: Growth in education sector should incorporate all sections of society like rural, urban poor, woman Backward classes etc.

5. Quality education: Education provided should meet needs of student. e.g. education provided to hearing impaired or slow learners. It should allow them to enhance their skills and get better employment options.

6. PPP model: Public-Private sources and to encourage the active participation of the private sector in national development. It is more forcefully advocated when public resources are projected to be inadequate to meet needs.

7. IES: An All India Education Services should be established which will decide the policies of education in consultation with educationalists.

8. Education policy: Educational policy need frequent update. It should cover personality development aspect of student It should also imbibe values of culture and social services.


TASK 3: (Book pg no. 106)

Identify and underline the descriptive words from the above passage.

Use your creativity to continue the story and give an interesting end.


*Following Underlined Words Are The Descriptive Phrases:-

Henry Mince’s eyes popped open as his father, Theodore, shouted for him to get out of bed. Henry sat up, groggy, dreaming it was morning and his mother had just come in to wake him. He opened his eyes, looked around the room and realized yes, he had been dreaming. She always had woken him softly and slowly, not with a shout, like his dad. He crept out of bed, his feet cold against the wood floor. He came out of his room just in time for his father to say a quick goodbye before he was out the door for work, leaving Henry to fend to himself until supper time. Henry shuffled around the house, getting ready for the day. He walked to the bathroom for his morning shower, his feet creaking on the floorboards, the only noise in the house. He finished up in the bathroom, brushing his hair and teeth, and made way for the kitchen to have some breakfast. He was still so sleepy; he could almost close his eyes remembering when the house would be filled with the aroma of bacon on the skillet. He walked in to the room, his mouth instantly beginning to salivate with the fond memory, only to open his eyes to an empty room. No bacon, no parents, just cold, hard cereal in a ceramic bowl for Henry this morning.

After breakfast, Henry wandered around the house, bored to death. He passed by his father’s room and saw with contempt that the bed remained unmade. In fact, upon a second glace, Henry saw that the entire house was in need of a good cleaning. Towels lined the bathroom floor, dishes piled up in the kitchen sink, and all sorts of crummies scattered along the wood floors of the entire house. I have got to get out of here…, Henry thought to himself. He shivered; the mere thought of being alone in there all day was beginning to make him antsy. I think I’ll head down to the park, he decided. And with the swift decision, Henry grabbed his backpack containing his wallet as well as other various items and set off from the house. Henry practically sprinted to the park and was there in no time. He looked around seeing clear blue sky, white fluffy clouds and just the slightest breeze to cool the skin. In fact, it was so beautiful that Henry was not the only person to come there that day. Several people were strewn about playing Frisbee, having picnics and just enjoying themselves. As Henry walked toward his favorite bench, he noticed a vendor near the water’s edge selling balloons. That’s just what I need today, Henry thought to himself. He quickly calculated the money he had with him and walked toward the vendor, wondering if he would have enough to buy a balloon.

*Interesting End To The Story:-

He bought a balloon with the money he had. He enjoyed flying the balloon in the air for a while. When it went up to a child playing in the park, he got himself near the child to have the balloon back. But the child wished to play with him. Its parents were looking eagerly. With the child he played and just forgot all his worries. He requested the parents to come to his house and spend sometime there.

        Back in his house Henry showed the rooms and made the child happy with the toys left in the cupboard. Meanwhile, the parents voluntarily cleaned the house to make it beautiful again. After some time Theodore returned home and to his surprise he found the house neat and tidy. He was happy to see henry active and brisk, all because of the presence of the child.

Click the below image for remaining task answers for Unit-5, Professional English, Softskills paper for Arts and Social Science UG Degree 1st Year 1st Semester.

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