Thursday, May 20, 2021

Professional English for Commerce & Management - II, Unit -2 Persuasive Communication Task Answers, Softskills paper, 1st Year 2nd Semester, Commerce and Management UG Degree

1st Year, 2nd Semester

 Unit -2– Persuasive Communication

  2. Speaking      

Task 2: (Book Page No: 36)

State True/ False for the following statements which differentiate a Debate from an impromptu speech (JAM):


1. It is a prepared speech - False

2. It is persuasive - False

3. It is commonly used by recruiters in interviews. - False

4. It has scope for critical thinking. - True

5. It has time constraints. - False


1. It is spontaneous - False

2. It is argumentative - False

3. It demands attention to non-verbal cues while speaking. - True

4. It promotes logical thinking. - True

5. It does not have time constraints. - False


3. Reading

Task 1: (Book Page No: 41)

1. Who do you think played the influential role of promoting Santa as an icon?

Ans: This old man is an epitome encompassing a reason to smile and a season to spread happiness. This jolly man with a red suit and a white beard has had many transitions in his appearance.

2. Who is the chief exponent of Santa’s paintings?

Ans: Civil War cartoonist Thomas Nast drew Santa Claus for Harper's Weekly in 1862.

3. What does the phrase “Thirst knows no season” imply?

Ans: The duty of depicting a realistic and a fond version of the Santa.

4. Is there a symbolic connection between the company’s product and the red suit of Santa Claus?

Ans: Santa wears a red coat because red is the color of Coca-Cola.

Task 2:

Choose any one of the ads given below:

1. Examine the product featured in this ad.

Ans: Uplifting Refreshment; Great Taste; Goes Well with Food.

2.Analyse the choice of colours.

Ans: The color red in marketing portrays power, excitement, energy and passion. It also stimulates the appetite, which makes it an excellent choice when branding food or drink.

3.Identify the symbols used in the ad.

Ans: Santa Claus.

4.Review the choice of words.

Ans: Story telling or narration makes it gripping

5.What does the ad infer?

Ans: “Enjoy” and “Happiness”

6. What according to you is the USP of this ad?

Ans: Cheerful and a friendly Santa Claus.

Post-Task: (Book Page No: 43)

I. Identify the name of the product which the caption represents.

Ans: Pears Soap.

II. Rephrase the following captions with words that propagate it to be catchy:


1. Go Green Go Ford - Ford’s comprehensive global sustainability strategy includes a focus on the development of environmentally friendly vehicle.

2. Believe in the Best - The tagline “Believe in the Best” is used by BPL Ltd. BPL Ltd. (British Physical Laboratories), is engaged into production of health care equipment.  

3. Connecting People - 'At Nokia, “Connecting People” is more than a tagline. It's a mission statement that has guided almost everything we've done for over 20 years.

4. Have a break, have a…- The term “Break” has a double meaning that suited it perfectly to the product.

5. Think Different - "Think different" is an advertising slogan used from 1997 to 2002 by Apple.

6. Grace, space, pace - Grace, Space and Pace was the iconic Jaguar advertising slogan.

7. A Better Life, A Better World- A Better Life, A Better World" as its new brand slogan to show the vision the Panasonic Group.

4. Writing

Dialogue Writing

Pre-Task: (Book Page No: 45)

Attempt dialogue writing between a manufacturer and a customer:


Manufacturer (M): Dear Customer, hope you are satisfied with our product! Please rate the quality of our product between star rating 1 and 5.

Customer (C): Yes, I like the product so much and I wish to give 4 stars.

Manufacturer (M): Give your comment about product.

Customer (C): The product is excellent and I am fully satisfied on your service.

Manufacturer (M): Thank you for your rating and comment on product.

Customer (C): It’s my pleasure.

Task 1:

Initiate a Dialogue between two colleagues about their team event.


C1: Hope you feel good about the upcoming event.

C2: Yes, we have been waiting for this D- day.

C1: I am looking forward to introducing the brand.

C2: It is certainly going to be huge success.

C1: What makes you feel so certain about it?

C2: Because of it’s attractive and stunning look.

C1: The price of product is affordable.

C2: The offer for this product is limited. 

Bend to Mend

Task 2: (Book Page No: 47)

1. Identify the persuasive words in this passage.

Ans: I have to accentuate the fact, I had celebrated my new job, Unfortunately, it was a shocking moment, Subsequently, I had to leave, I gained the ability to embrace my situation, prevails a similar storm in future.

2. State the overall tone of the passage.

Ans: The overall tone of the passage is empathy.

3. What are the qualities that contributed towards the restoring process?

Ans: To learn the importance of adaptability.

4. What will be your approach if you were to be in the narrator’s position?

Ans: My approach is to bend, to mend and to fend myself with the situation.

Post- Task:

Draft an argumentative essay on any one of the topics:

1. A proactive leader can never be a procrastinator.

Ans: Procrastination is often confused with laziness, but they are very different. Procrastination is an active process – you choose to do something else instead of the task that you know you should be doing. In contrast, laziness suggests apathy, inactivity and an unwillingness to act. Procrastinating can negatively impact others: your team, your peers, your boss.

    People commonly think being proactive means simply starting sooner rather than later, not procrastinating, or taking initiative to get work done. But it is far more than that. Your behavior is proactive when: you choose it yourself rather than comply with external demands you execute strategically more than mindlessly. you are future-focused rather than anchored in the present or past. your intention is to change something for the better, thus to create a better future.

As leaders, it is important for us to recognize when we are procrastinating and have a personal plan to help mitigate the shortcomings of this habit.

2. Digital India- a sign of progress.


In 2015, the Government of India launched a massive campaign named "Digital India". This was done to make the government services accessible in various parts of the country. The main aim was to improve access to technology to the people of the country.

The massive campaign is divided into three parts which hope to achieve the following objectives:

A stable, secure digital infrastructure connecting every part of the country.

Easy access to online government services (e-Governance).

Digital literacy of the masses.

The government of India wanted the rural public to make use of the internet and offer them access to various services online.

The government initiative has done much work in laying out the groundwork to a technologically advanced country, but the lack of awareness, literacy and infrastructure is getting in the way. The government hoped to cover more people under the umbrella of the scheme, but some parts of India are still unable to use the technology due to various reasons such as lack of resources or understanding.

The project can be considered to be successful in general terms but still remains a failure in the broader sense. Of course, campaigns like these take years if not decades and Digital India is still in its early stages.


3. Persuasion is a tactic or a tool to appeal.


Persuasion is the art of convincing someone to agree with your point of view. According to the ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle, there are three basic tools of persuasion: ethos, pathos, and logos.

Ethos is a speaker's way of convincing the audience that she is a credible source. Pathos is a speaker's way of connecting with an audience's emotions. Logos is the use of facts, information, statistics, or other evidence to make your argument more convincing.

Various types of persuasion have the ability to convince people in different ways.

The first type of persuasion is the appeal to reason. The appeal-to-reason method uses a logical argument, with everything about the persuasion centered in logic and in the scientific method.

The second type of persuasion is the appeal to emotion. The appeal-to-emotion is not based on proof, but on the emotions that a person feels.

Although ethos, pathos, and logos all have their strengths, they are often most effective when they are used together. Indeed, most speakers use a combination of ethos, pathos, and logos to persuade their audiences.


4. Advertisements determine the success of a product.


Advertising is a component of marketing system. It deals with the awareness of customers regarding new product or some features about the existence product.

Advertising is a specific communication and it must be effective, for lots of target buyers rather than for a single customer. It means to say that certain specific objectives should have to be set for every particular advertisement. It is a one part of sales promotion and so its objective must be specific and realistic. So it must be mentioned the target customer and special effect over those targeted customers. So the objective must be regarding the sales increment. So it is now clear that the objective of advertisement is to remind the worth of specific product to existing customer as well as new customer also. Communication must be in the center of overall objective. Sometimes people don’t give as much attention to the advertising companion because of its presentation quality and message that involved in the advertising program. Second objective of advertising program is to pass such promotional message which can retain mind of such customers for whom it is implemented.     


5. HRs are the central collaborators within a work place.


Three Reasons HR Tech Needs Collaboration.

1. Remote and Flex Work: Companies are now hiring the best talent from all over the world. Just because someone can’t come into the office doesn’t mean they can’t work as productively as those who do. It is critical that the HR department offers a collaborative environment for all employees and candidates.

2. Social Networking: I spoke earlier about the need for companies to move fast. Today we often find the talent we are looking for right within our social networks.

3. Employee Retention: I can’t stress enough the importance of retention. The best talent will always have options, and they will be pursued by companies who seek to work with the best. Keeping your best talent must be a priority.

Collaboration tools aid retention, because they help create happy workers by offering flexibility and fostering innovation in the workplace.


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