Monday, May 24, 2021

Professional English for Commerce & Management - II, Unit -3 Digital Competence Task Answers, Softskills paper, 1st Year 2nd Semester, Commerce and Management UG Degree

Professional English For Commerce and Management

1st Year, 2nd Semester

Unit III – Digital Competence


Activity: (Book Page No: 50)

1. Who started Thalappakatti Biriyani and when?

Ans: Thalappakatti Biriyani was started by Nagasamy Thalappakatti in 1957. 

2. What was Thalappakatti first called?

Ans: Thalappakatti was first called Anandha vilas Biriyani hotel.

3. When did Nagasamy Dhanabalan’s grandfather pass away?

Ans: Nagasamy Dhanabalan’s grandfather passed away in 1972.

4. When did he first come to Chennai?

Ans: Nagasamy Dhanabalan first came to Chennai in 2009.

5. From 2009 till 2017 (when the interview was taken), how many branches of Thalappakatti Biriyani were there?

Ans: Thalappakatti has 40 branches across the world. 


List at least 4–5 key points about the origins of Thalappakatti Biriyani.

1. What inspired Nagasamy Dhanabalan’s grandfather to start a restaurant?

Ans: The family’s love affair with biriyani began in 1957 when Nagasamy’s grandfather set up a small restaurant, Anandha Vilas, in their home town of Dindigul. Then an accountant, Nagasamy Naidu, believed that his wife’s biriyani recipe was unique. His cookery style and secrets passed down to his family members are followed strictly meticulously and thereby have ensured that the “Thalappakatti Biriyani” taste remains unchanged.

2. What inspired Nagasamy Dhanabalan to bring Thalappakatti to Chennai?

Ans: He was certain about that the unique flavour of Thalappakatti Biriyani. People who came to Dindigul used to ask him: why can’t you bring this biriyani to Chennai? Customer’s feedback inspired him.

3. According to the speaker, what were the unique contributions of  Thalappakatti to the Chennai food scene?

Ans: Dindigul Thalappakatti offers a sophisticated dining experience for those seeking to explore beyond the ordinary and discover the full potential of south-indian dining experience. 

4. How did Thalappakatti change the way biriyani was consumed?

Ans: People soon started eating biriyani on a regular basis. It can be lunch, dinner or in between.

5. What was the traditional manner of cooking biriyani and how did Thalappakatti have to change their method?

Ans: In the traditional manner of cooking biriyani they used wood and charcoal. But now they used imported cooking machines from Taiwan.

III. Reflect:

1. According to you, has Thalappakatti made a difference in Chennai? If so, how?

Ans: A special blend of spices is used for the biryani. A type of short grain seeraga samba rice, called Parakkum Sittu and Kannivadi meat which comes from tender grass-fed goats makes the taste distinct. This rice, unlike basmati has no taste of its own, so it completely absorbs the flavours of the spices. This unusual unique flavour of Thalappakatti Biriyani made a difference in Chennai.

2. Do you think, as Mr. Dhanabalan does, that Thalappakatti is a unique restaurant? Can you think of other competitors who make equally good or better Biriyani?

Ans: Thalappakatti was opened for families with children. Differentiating the brand and product was helped Dindigul Thalappakatti Biriyani to flourish.

3. Is this video, according to you, a promotional video? If so, why?

Ans: This video is a promotional video. Because it promotes their brand and the future plan to expand their branches to cities like Bangalore, Mumbai and Delhi.


Pre–Task (Vocabulary): (Book Page No: 51)

Match the following words or phrases with their meaning:


1. Despite – xii. In spite of/ regardless of.

2. hassles –xx. A complicated and inconvenient situation.

3. unorganized agriculture supply chain – xix. The various jobs between the harvesting of a crop to the final sale to the consumers undertaken by daily wage workers or various farmers.

4. sustainable supply chain – iii. Changes to existing processes between the production of a product and its final consumption with a claim to make it environmentally and financially sustainable. This involves product design, material selection, manufacturing, packaging, transport, distribution and consumption etc.

5. instant payments – i. electronic payments that are processed within seconds and credited from one bank to another without any intermediary.

6. Logistics – xiii. the commercial activity of transporting goods to customers.

7. Implement – xiv. To put a plan into action. 

8. prototype – xviii. The first model/design from which other forms will be developed. 

9. working models – ii. A model of an actual or proposed machine that can do on a small–scale, the work that the actual machine is supposed to do. 

10. Operate – ix. The determination to do something. 

11. Dilute – xvi. To weaken the strength or quality of something. 

12. seed funding – xvii. The capital that an investor invests in a start–up company.

13. Traction – xi. The progress of a start–up company and the momentum it gains as the business grows. 

14. “in and out” – xv. Function. 

15. Acuity – iv. To know something thoroughly or completely.

16. Resolve – viii. The value of shares issued by a company. 

17. Capability/capacity – vii. The quality or ability to be able to do something. 

18. “start from scratch” – x. To begin from a point where nothing has been done before. 

19. Hurdles – v. Obstacles or challenges. 

20. Motivated – vi. Influenced or inspired.

Activity: (Book Page No: 53)

I. Answer the following:

1. What is the role of Agrowave?

Ans: Agrowave assists and encourages Indian farmers. Agrowave is an Agritech startup helping Indian farmers to earn maximum profits by removing middlemen. 

2. What were some of the struggles Anu Meena faced before starting her company?


Some of the main challenges were:

Building team: Since she was a solo founder so it was hard to find people who could relate with the idea with the same passion as she has. she raised funding based on the idea and potential and then built the team.

Managing the ups and down: There are several ups and downs while running a venture. You might have hired bad people, you might run out of cash, you might have raised funds from inappropriate investors etc. Everyone makes mistakes but the point is how quickly you can identify and fix them up.

Setting up right priorities: It is important that you set the priorities in the right direction. It can change the whole scene of the venture. For example if you only focus on fundraising and operations are not efficient, it might be very difficult to fix.

Building trust with farmers: Gaining farmers trust is very important to work with them. It is difficult to build trust with them. So we hire people from local areas as micro entrepreneurs as the farmers trust local people more.

Mapping the quality of the produce with the price: There is no standardization in the fruits and vegetables industry and that’s why it’s difficult to map the price. You can buy potatoes at different prices as per quality. They have made standardization for our organization where they have different grades (A, B, and C) of the produce. 

3. Why did Anu Meena start Agrowave?

Ans: To solve the problem of his Grandfather and other farmers. 

4. According to Anu Meena, what does it take to transform an idea

into a working prototype model?

Ans: Research and Fund. 

5. What does she say about team work and building a team?

Ans: Teamwork refers to the coming together of team members by bringing their individual skills and uniting them to achieve a common goal.

6. How did Anu Meena manage to raise funds? Was it the common thing to do?

Ans: It is important to take the fund–raise dilution seriously and to take guidance and mentorship from people in the industry. 

7. Would you consider Agrowave a successful start–up?

Ans: Yes. 

8. According to you, what is the most important take away from the


Ans: Besides connecting farmers, traders and business on single tech platform, it has It has helped to optimize logistics through a network of pickup stations developed with technology.


Pre–Task: (Book Page No: 54)

(Exploring video conferencing sites):

Write the function of each of the features (When and why are the

following features used?):


I. Zoom:

     You can use to virtually meet with others – either by video or audio–only or both, all while conducting live chats – and it lets you record those sessions to view later.

1. Audio: To share your ideas unmute audio.

2. Video: You can also on your video in meeting.

3. Security: Password protect your meetings.

4. Participants: Zoom sessions can be expanded to allow larger groups, up to 500 interactive participants

5. Chat: send chat in meeting.

6. Share screen: Presenters can share their whole desktop or individual applications.

7. Record: You can record your meetings or events too.

8. Reactions: By rising hand we can react in meeting.

9. End call: After the completion of meeting, click end call.


II. Google Meet:


1. Security: Anonymous users (users without Google accounts) are not allowed to join meetings.

2. Audio: You can mute or unmute your mic.

3. Video: You can turn off or turn on your camera.

4. Raise Hand: During a video call, it regularly happens that people talk at the same time or can’t intervene properly because of the flow of the conversation. The button ‘Raise hand’ to make the conversation run more smoothly

5. Turn on Captions: Real–time captions helps to understand, what the speaker conveys in the meeting.

6. Present Now: You can present your screen.

7. Options:

8. Participants: Support for up to 250 participants.

9. Chat Box: You can send your message.


1. Record: It helps to record the meeting.

2. Layout: you can select the layout for your meeting. You can see up to 16 participants at once, along with the presented content in default layout.

3. Full Screen: you can change the meeting into full screen mode.

4. Background: you can blur or change the background.

5. Participants: Support for up to 250 participants.

6. Messages: You can send your message.

7. Chat Box: You can find the links in chat box.



Session 1: (Book Page No: 61)

Pre–Task (Vocabulary):


1. Inescapable – v. Unable to avoid.

2. Digital divide – iv. The gap between those who have access to computers/internet and those who don’t.

3. Digital literacy – ix. One’s ability to find and use information using various digital platforms (technical skills).

4. Digital competence – vii. An all–inclusive wide understanding of ICT which includes technical skills as well as social and emotional skills required to ethically and safely use digital platforms.

5. “Yawning gap” – viii. A very wide gap that is extremely difficult to reduce.

6. Etiquette – ii. Protocol/manners.

7. Abbreviations – i. Shortened form of a word/phrase.

8. “made it big” – x. Have become very successful/popular.

9. “Mine of information” – iii. Someone/something providing a lot of information.

10. savvy – vi. Knowledgeable.


Activity: (Book Page No: 65)

Digital Competence for Academic and Professional Excellence

Answer the following:

1. What is digital competence?

Ans: Digital competence involves the knowledge and skills required to use ICT with ease and comfort.

2. What are some of the problems faced by countries such as India with regard to the digital competence of its population?

Ans: In countries such as India, there is a huge digital divide, despite which individuals are expected to gain digital competence for academic and professional success.

3. What are some of the digital skills that businesses expect employees to possess?

Ans: Some of the digital skills that businesses seek in their employees include: programming, web and app development; digital business analysis; digital design; digital project and product management; digital marketing; effective social media use; and data science and analytics.

4. List some of the basic digital tools that beginners should know about.

Ans: Some of the basic digital tools that beginners need to know about include:1. Mobile phones, 2. Computers, 3. Social Media and 4. The Internet.

5. What are some challenges faced by small–scale enterprises with regard to technology?

Ans: The amount of time and money spent on tech–based marketing can be a drain, especially on small–scale businesses. Since consumers are often swamped with data via online platforms, it becomes difficult for small–scale enterprises.

Session 2:


Pre–Task: (Book Page No: 65)

Match the following words/phrases about web design with their meaning:

1. Accessibility – h. The ability of a website to be used by people with disabilities.

2. CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) – j. Style sheet language (language of the page design/layout).

3. HTML (Hypertext Markup Languages) – d. Language of the text (provides the structure of the page).

4. Responsive Design – i. A layout designed to suit various devices (e.g. phone, laptop, tab etc.)

5. Favicon – n. Icon that appears next to your domain name in the browser address bar.

6. Domain name – g. The file address of a resource on the Internet, including a web page, an image, a video, a style sheet etc.

7. UX Design – c. A design which addresses the viewer’s expectations (i.e. what do viewers feel when they visit your website?)

8. Cache – b. Store house of browser search queries or personal information provided in your website.

9. Cookies – f. Small text files containing basic information about the pages you visit.

10. Database – m. The record maintained by your browser of the pages you visit a device’s temporary storage space.

11. URL (Uniform Resource Locator) – k. A unique name that identifies a website.

12. Browser – a. Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer etc.– Software application used to access information on the web.

13. CMS (Content Management Systems) – l. Manage the creation and modification of digital content (E.g. WordPress).

14. RSS Feed (Really Simple Syndication) – e. a type of web feed which gives users the ability to get immediate updates from websites in a standardized, computer readable format.

Answer the following: (Book Page No: 70)

1.When was the Kerala State Poverty Eradication Mission established?

Ans: Kerala State Poverty Eradication Mission was launched on 17th May 1998.

2.Whose help did the Kerala State Government seek to launch Kudumbashree?

Ans: Government of India and NABARD.

3.What is the “different methodology” used by the Kerala State Government in addressing poverty?

Ans: Organizing the poor in to community–based organizations.

4.What do the following abbreviations stand for? –


NHG – Neighborhood Groups.

CDS – Community Development Societies.

SPEM – State Poverty Eradication Mission.

ADS – Area Development Societies.

5.What are the various issues that women work on?

Ans: Health, nutrition, agriculture, etc. besides income generation activities and seeking micro credit.

6.According to the website, how many NHGs, CDSs and ADSs are now a part of Kudumbashree?

Ans: There are 2.77 lakhs NHGs, over 19,854 ADSs and 1073 CDSs in Kudumbashree.

7.What is the significance of the three–tier approach of Kudumbashree?

Ans: The grassroots of Kudumbashree are Neighbourhood Groups (NHG in short) that send representatives to the ward level Area Development Societies (ADS). The ADS sends its representatives to the Community Development Society (CDS), which completes the unique three–tier structure of Kudumbashree.

8.What are the two distinguishing characteristics of Kudumbashree’s mission?

Ans: The universality of reach and the scope of community interface in local governance.

9.How is the spread of Kudumbashree’s branches unique?

Ans: The sheer spread is mind boggling, and it is only because the local community of women drive the system that it has managed to persevere.

10.How does the programme attempt to alter the microfinance led financial security model?

Ans: Kudumbashree strives to convert a microfinance led financial security model into a more comprehensive model of local economic development.

11.What is Kudumbashree’s Mission Statement?

Ans: To eradicate absolute poverty in ten years through concerted community action under the leadership of local governments, by facilitating organization of the poor for combining self–help with demand–led convergence of available services and resources to tackle the multiple dimensions and manifestations of poverty, holistically.


Activity: (Book Page No: 72)

Create the content for a webpage:

Ans: Page content refers to all the information contained in a website. Page content can be displayed as text, links, images, audio, animation or videos among other things. Search engines have a limited ability to recognize images, animation, video and audio.

How to Create a Webpage

Content: Make sure you know what your website is about.

Choose a website builder: Some options can be viewed at–free–website–builders/

Write an “About Us” page: Describe the Vision and Mission of your company.

Write about your team: the founder and other members.


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