Sunday, July 4, 2021

Professional English for Commerce & Management - II, Unit - 5 Workplace Communication – An Overview Task Answers, Softskills paper, 1st Year 2nd Semester, Commerce and Management UG Degree

 Professional English for Commerce & Management - II

1st Year, 2nd Semester

Unit -5 – Workplace Communication – An Overview

Speaking Skills


1. WarmUp Exercises (Book Page No: 91)

Career Vocabulary Grid – Rearranged words


1. Increment

2. Demanding

3. Resume

4. Vacancy

5. Workforce

6. Downsizing

7. Incentives

8. Promotion

9. Salary

10. Resign

11. Interview

12. Apprentice


Post reading Task I (Book Page No: 101)

Answer the following in about 30 words each:


1. Give the structure of a business presentation.


It consists of three basic parts:

Introduction: The introduction sets the tone for the entire presentation and explains what the audience will come away with after viewing it. Introduce the topic of your presentation and provide a brief description. State the presentation’s objectives to let audience know what new knowledge they will acquire.

Body: This is the main part of your presentation, which should keep the promises you made in the introduction. This is where you explain your topic and present all your information. Conclusion: A good conclusion summarizes the key points you made or highlights what the audience should have learned. It clarifies the general purpose of your presentation and reinforces the reason for viewing it.


2. Write the formula of an academic presentation.


a. Introduction/Overview

b. Theoretical Framework/Research Question

c. Methodology/Case Selection

d. Background/Literature Review

e. Discussion of Data/Results

f. Analysis

g. Conclusion


3. Why should the content be informative and innovative?


It would be best to use innovative content formats to tell unique and interesting stories to engage readers, receive coverage from publishers, and get the highest return on your content marketing efforts.


4. What are the challenges that you might face while doing a presentation?


Common Communication Barriers When Presenting. Fear and Anxiety. One of the biggest barriers to presentation success is fear and anxiety. Standing and speaking in front of a group of people stimulates our fight or flight instincts.


5. What is the necessity to rehearse before doing a presentation?


Rehearsal is important because it allows you to practice different parts before you actually deliver the total speech to an audience. Rehearsal is important because you can put the effective parts back together to create a total speech and practice before delivering it in front of the actual audience.


Task III

1. What is market segmentation? Mention its main categories.

Ans: Market segmentation involves dividing a market into parts that reflect different customer needs and wants. Its main categories are Demographic segments, Geographic segments, Income segments and Behavioural segments.


2. Write about the benefits of effective market segmentation.


Focuses resources on parts of a market where the business can succeed.

Allow a business to grow share in markets.

Helps with new product development – focused on needs of customers.

Helps make the marketing mix more effective.


3. Explain the drawbacks of market segmentation.


Segmentation is an imprecise science – data not always available, up-to-date or reliable.

Markets are increasingly dynamic – fast – changing; so too are the segments.


4. What are target markets and its main strategies?


A target market refers to a group of buyers to whom a company wants to sell its products and services and direct its marketing efforts. Customers who make up a target market share similar characteristics, including geography, buying power, demographics, and incomes. Its main strategies are Mass marketing, Segmented and Concentrated


5. Explain market positioning with examples.


Market position is defined by customers – the place a product occupies in customer minds relative to competing products. A market positioning illustrates the range of positions that a product can take in a market based on two dimensions that are important to customers.


Task IV

1. Positioning and competitive advantage.


Customers choose products based on the value proposition.

Providing superior values than the competition is a source of competitive advantage.

There are various possible value differences which can deliver competitive advantage.


2. Possible positioning strategies.


Offer more for less – E.g. Aldi: good quality at low prices.

Offer more for more – E.g. high-priced luxury products with prestige value.

Offer more for the same – E.g. introduce new features & better performance for the same price.

Offer less for much less – E.g. no-frills low cost flying and hotels: good quality, back to basics & low price.


Reading and Writing Skills

Product Profile

Post-reading task – 1 (Book Page No: 105)

1. Enumerate the components mentioned in Sunshine Enterprises’ (SE) profile?

Ans:  Product Description, Robust features, Perception.


2. What are the special features of the Sunbeam LED lighting integrated security camera?


Sunbeam LED lighting system integrated with security system that is efficient, economical, and eco-friendly. Sunbeam knocks out the need for a separate security camera network by compacting surveillance with lighting.


3. Mention the robust features of the specified product.


Solar energy supply, recyclable, and power saving.

Bullet camera with stylish and unique design.

Built-in 8 pcs LED lights to provide adequate lighting even in heavy darkness.

Metal case, iP65waterproof.

90-degree rotation solar panel.


4. How do you know that the SE is committed to the environment?


SE is committed to the society and to the environment. All its’ factories and offices are exclusively for sustainable energy sources and our products are certified as recyclable.


5. Write a note on the points to remember while describing a company product.


The main products and services offered by the company are also introduced here. The credential of the company being ISO certified is also mentioned. The best practices one of which is their commitment to environmental issues, is also pointed out.


Post reading tasks: (Book Page No: 109)

2. Answer the following in about 30 words each:

1. What is a flyer?

Ans: A flyer is a form of paper advertisement intended for wide distribution and typically posted or distributed in a public place, handed out to individuals or sent through the mail.


2. To whom is the circular sent?

Ans: The circular is sent to the employees of ABC company.


3. Who drafts the circular?

Ans: The circular is drafted by the CEO of ABC company.


4. What is the purpose of a business circular?

Ans: Many companies use circulars as notices in business communication.


5. Why should a circular be objective?


A circular is essentially a letter containing some important information that is distributed to a large number of people.


3. In about 100 words write about the advantages of sending a circular.


Circular is the fastest way to pass information among the stake holders in an organization or a company, whether it is in printed form or digital form. Circulars enable the efficient transfer of information.

Circulars aimed at specific target group are highly effective. Circulars are inexpensive and timely in delivering or conveying the intended messages. A Circular identifies the right audience as it has a wider dimension and reach. It can be referred to as a legal document with the designation of authority and therefore acts as a permanent record.


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English Lit Meet said...

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