Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Communicative English Unit 4 Task Answers| Book page no: 158 to 189| UG 1st Year 1st Semester English Paper| TANSCHE Syllabus 2020

 Unit IV

1. Listening and Speaking

a. Giving and responding to opinions

TASK 2 – Page no - 162

Complete the following using phrases for asking for, giving opinions and agreeing and/ or disagreeing with opinions.

1. Arpita: You have been away from your family for a long time. I think you should move back home with your family.

Bhaskar: You’re absolutely right. I really miss my wife and daughter.


2. Press reporter: What is your opinion about the government’s decision to hike fuel prices?

Opposition Leader: I feel that the move is wrong. I really think that the fuel prices should be cut.


3. Sahana: In my view  Switzerland is the best place to visit for our summer vacation. Do you agree with me?

Tarun: I totally disagree with you. Why should we go all the way to Switzerland? We have lovely hill stations in India.

Dinesh: I feel the same. We can go to Missouri or Dehradun instead.


4. Activist 1: In my opinion it is important to treat all creation with respect and I strongly believe it is wrong to test cosmetics on animals.

Entrepreneur: No you’re wrong. Animals are different from us. And how else can we find out if the cosmetics are safe for us?


Activist 2: I have to disagree with that point of view. Science has grown so much. I firmly believe we can find a more humane way of finding out how safe cosmetics are.


Asking for, giving opinions and agreeing and/ or disagreeing with opinions- II

Activity : Page no - 163

1. Is animal testing on cosmetics necessary?


Ravi: I don’t think animal testing on cosmetics is necessary. Peter, what do you say?

Peter: Yes, I agree with you. In the production center they take care of everything.

Krish: No, no. The cosmetics have to be tested for their rightful use by the public. Don’t you understand?

Peter: Sorry differ from your opinion. I feel that animal testing will have certain undesirable effects on the products themselves.

Ramu: Yes, I concur with you. As of now, there is no urgency to try it with the cosmetic products. Let us have products as they are available now.

Ravi: okay then, we shall have the on an experimental basis and try them for the present


2. Are Indian systems of medicine better than allopathy?


Raja: In the present day world the use of allopathy has increased manifold. Do you know?

Mani: Yes, of course. But you see, there are other methods of treatment like Ayurveda and Eunani which too cure Patients’ diseases. What I feel is the locally available herbs and medicinal plants can as well cure the diseases like cancer and asthma.

John: Definitely. There is no harm in trying the ancient Siddha type of medicines in curing deadly diseases. Many a siddha clinics have come up and have successfully treated the patients.

Mani: I am with you on this matter. Instead of relying on the western type of treatment and going on for costly treatments, it is better to have the country-made medicines available through the herbs and plants.

Raja: No, for ailments like heart problem, there is immediate cure only in western treatment like operation and replacement of the internal organs, etc.

James: I too disagree with what Mani has said. Only by adopting the allopathy method we can have lasting cure and remedy.


3. Should children be taught only in the mother tongue?


Rani: I am of the view that the children should be taught only their mother-tongues.

Anitha: No, it will only produce limited talent among them. They should be given the opportunity to learn more languages.

Meena: Yes. That is what I feel. If children are taught other languages like English and one more either Indian or the European, they can emerge easy job-pickers in future.

Mala: No, why do you trust languages in young minds? It may not work out on the expected lines. I, for one, am for mother-tongue teaching only.

Rani: I agree with you. Let us have the opinions from the children and their parents.


4. Should village cuisine be promoted in cities?


Mohan: I feel that the village cuisine should be promoted in cities. That way the people in the village stand to gain.

Govind: I don’t agree. The new types of food, junk food and fast food have come on the scene. People go for them increasingly. So there is market only for these foods.


5. Should food delivery services be encouraged?


Devi: I am of the opinion that food delivery services should be encouraged.

Rani: Why do you day so? I feel it is not necessary in these days of infection in the surroundings.

Jenni: Yes, that is what I would suggest. Home -Made products can do good for our consumers. There are now umpteen such homes engaged in the business of food preparation.

Nisha: No, in these days of hectic business activity it is advisable that we have food delivery to ease the work load.

Devi: Right. I agree with you. There is enough convenience in getting food delivered.

Narrative Writing Essays

Writing Narrative Essays - I

TASK 1 – Page No - 182

Think of an incident that happened to you that

(a)    Surprised you the most

Ans: In the classroom the teacher asked Gopal why he was absent the previous day. He told a lie that he had gone to his uncle’s house in Selam. But the teacher knew that he was telling a lie. He actually saw him in the town going with his friend to a movie. The teacher caught hie red-handed. Its surprised Gopal so very much.


(b)   Scared you the most

Ans: On my return home yesterday, I came across a big snake. It just passed ahead of me. On verification I found that it was a poisonless snake that had quit its wet place and came out to the street. It scared me so much and I sought the help of a passer-by who just drove it to the other side of the hedge.


(c)    Left you very happy

Ans: I took part in an interview last week. They asked me questions on environment. They wanted me to demonstrate how I would persuade a boy to grow the plants for the sake of the world’s population. The boy in fact showed pictures of plants he had planted in his garden. He also explained how smoke, unhygienic conditions and pollution would change the atmospheric air into unlivable one. The demonstration was superb. The panel on the interview board felt impressed. It made me happy at the end.


(d)     Left you very confused

Ans:  It was the day of reckoning for me. In the school, a team calling for meritorious students in order to give employment.  While that day my father insisted that I should remain at home for my sister’s betrothal function, my elder brother pressed me to go and appear before the job sectors. So that I would get employed easily at the year end. This left me greatly confused as to what I should do.


(e)      Taught you a valuable lesson

Ans: The teacher advised that drug taking is a bad trait which ought to be stopped for future good. Drug traffickers are like self-consuming killers who not only harm themselves but bring harm to others as well. The effect of such a practice will come to be felt only later. It also serves as a warning and makes one realize his mistakes. Keeping good habits is a personality trait. Thus, the teacher taught me a valuable lesson.


Task 3: Page No – 184

In the essay given above, you can add a bit of description to the plant. Go ahead and try it. What plant was it? What kind of container was it kept in?

Ans: The plant was lucky Bamboo, one of the best indoor plants, botanically named as Dracaena Sanderiana. The narrow-necked bottle in which the plant was kept was the perfect one for it. The roots of the plant were submerged in the water and some gravels were added around the roots for firm placement.


Task 4: Page No – 184

 Include some details about the classroom in the essay above.

Ans:  The classroom was neat and spacious. It was properly lighted and ventilated. The teacher being seated in front of the class room, the boys and girls were seated on long benches on the right and left respectively.


Writing Narrative Essays - III

TASK 1 - Page NO – 186

Go back to the sample essay given in Session 1 and identify what forms of the past tenses are used and when they are used. For example, the first sentence is written in simple past tense. But when the narrator remembers the time when the teacher had given the task, past perfect tense is used. When you write your narrative essay, you can use this as a guide to choose what form of past tense to use.


1.     Why had the teacher made it the final term project? - PPT

2.     I remember that day three weeks ago when she had told us about it! - PPT

3.     We had all groaned and tried to talk our teacher out of this. - PPT

4.     She had insisted. - PPT

5.     I had never thought plants could communicate. -PPT with negative

6.     I had to talk in front of the class, I began to sweat. – PT

7.     I glanced at the water plant. – PT

8.     Something about the plant suddenly gave me courage. – PT

9.   The teacher called out my name, I went up feeling much more confident – PT

 10.  The leaves were bright green. – PT

 11.   Every head in the class looked up, interested. – PT

 12.   It also made me realise. – PT


TASK 2 – Page No - 186

Go back to Task 1 in Session 1 and pick any two of the incidents you had identified. You will now write a narrative essay based on these.

Write down a list of people involved in each of these incidents. Remember you need to write a short essay. So make sure you don’t have more than three or four people, including yourself, in your essay. Once you have identified the people, write down brief descriptions for each one of them.

(a) The incident that left me very happy

(b) The incident that taught me a valuable lesson


Ans:  (a) The incident that left me very happy



The Narrator

I, a 10th standard student was of average height and moderate weight. I was always very particular about my dress. So, in my neat uniform and tidy shoes, I looked smart. I was studious, hard-working and friendly, so my teachers and classmates like me.

The English teacher

My English teacher was a tall, slim, fair looking, middle aged lady. The way she had dressed herself, her light makeup, and her kick dark curly hair had made her look incredibly young. She was popular both among her colleagues and students because she was kind and affectionate

The Principal

The Principal of our school was tall and strongly built. She had a sharp nose and a commanding tone. Sitting on the rolling chair in her room, she gave a majestic appearance. Though looked strict, she was kind, considerate and easily approachable. So was respected by all.

The Judge

The judge was a Professor from the local government college. Having put in long years of retirement. Her modest dress and her glasses gave her a scholarly look. She announced the results of the contest in her ringing tone.


Ans: (b) The incident that taught me a valuable lesson



The narrator

I was at my school finals. My body was strong and well but. I was over confident and I used to walk wit my head held high. I never paid heed to other’s advice in anything. I was essay going and took nothing seriously. I never realized that only practice makes one perfect.

The Coach

My coach was a man with a warm personality. He had a big moustache in his clean-shaven face, and was always in his formal dress. He looked grim and serious, but was open minded. He provided enough training and guidance to the players to make them achieve their goal.

The opponent

My opponent was a teenager with large, dark, bright eyes in his round face. He was quite stylish in his dress. He looked relaxed but was very optimistic. While playing. He was honest, sincere and well mannered.

The parent

My parents were a middle-aged couple. My father, a quite tall man, had a long face, fine moustache and black, straight hair. My mother was smart, sociable, independent and fun loving. But on that day, she was sitting in the ground with full of anxiety. As my father never liked talking people, he was sitting quite by the side of my mother.


TASK 3 – Page No – 188

Write the opening paragraph of two narrative essays based on the two incidents you have picked. Each opening paragraph needs to be of a different kind (we have discussed the kinds of opening paragraphs in Session 1) and must have only two to three sentences.


Ans: (a) The incident that left me very happy

I was sitting in my science class in tenth standard. In the middle of the class, my English Teacher approached me and took me out of the class. She said that I was selected to represent my school at the inter School Declamation Contest in our city.

Ans: (b) The incident that taught me a valuable lesson

Each one of us has some talent in us which differentiates us from others. We have to find it out and try to excel in it. Once being excelled, we have to be humble and should not be overconfident.


TASK 1 – Page No - 189

Develop the two first paragraphs you wrote in Session 2 into narrative essays. Each essay should not exceed 500 words.

Ans: (a) The incident that left me very happy

     I was sitting in my science class in tenth standard. In the middle of the class, my English teacher approached me and took me out of the class. She said that I was selected to represent me school at the Inter School Declamation Contest in our city.

     The English teacher gave me a list of tropics and asked me to choose one. Though, there were quite a many interesting topics, I selected the topic, “It is better to have tried and failed than never to have tried at all!”. The next day the teacher gave me an inspiring script for the speech. Every day I was given three periods to prepare for the speech, until the contest. I read the script lots of times. The English teacher would near me speak atleast five times daily. She corrected my pronunciation, instructed me on modulation as the speech demanded. Thus, word by word, sentence by sentence, I perfected my speech.

     The Principal also heard my speech in her office and gave me some invaluable tips. A day before the Declamation contest, I delivered me speech in the morning assembly. The entire school responded to the ending of my speech with clapping thunder. That inspired me with self-confidence and self-belief.

     On the morning of the competition, my teacher accompanied me to the host school’s auditorium. I did not feel nervous at all. When my turn came, I just gave a flawless rendition. I received a standing ovation from the audience.

     At the end, when the Judge declared the result, I jumped out of my chair three feet high because I given the first prize. I felt very happy and contented. I received a cash prize along with a trophy and a certificate.

     At my own school, I was applauded in the morning assembly the next day and was overwhelmed with congratulations. When I look in retrospect, I feel so proud of my efforts and the rewards that followed them. The feeling of achievement after struggle is the best form of happiness that one can feel. It surpasses all other forms of happiness. The hard earned joys are the sweetest.


Ans: (b) The incident that taught me a valuable lesson

     Each one of us has some talent in us which differentiates us from others. We have to find it out and try to excel in it. Once being excelled, we have to be humble and should not be over confident.

     One day, I went to play badminton and to my astonishment. I found out that the traditional and natural shots came naturally to me. Thinking it to be an extraordinary trait gifted to me, I decided to pursue my career as a badminton player. I worked hard for two years and became the champion at the district level. I had stepped into the professional panel of this game. I thought that I was the best player in the district and this thought made me to decrease gradually the length of my practice sessions. I was floating in joy. I never paid heed to the senior players or the coach’s advice.

     Days passed, the time for the state level tournament came. As I had won at the district level, I was so full of over confidence that I thought that I could win that state level easily. I completely forgot the fact that there were many other district players like me. To my utter surprise, I was knocked out in the first round itself by me opponent, whom I had defeated at the district level. It was exactly a shocking and traumatic moment for me.

     I had let down my parents and my coach. I felt ashamed to show my face to them. My coach came searching for me. I was felt that he would lash me out for being so careless and irresponsible and losing such an important match, but rather he was calm and affectionate. In a matter of five minutes, he taught me greatest lesson of my life-hardwork and humbleness.

     He explained that he had been noticing my change of attitude which was the cause for my defeat. He also pointed out my over confident behaviour and advised that one should always be rooted to the earth, no matter whatever height of success one reaches. Moreover, one should always be humble and respectful at all times even to one’s opponents. From then on, I vowed to follow my guide’s advice all my life.

     As my coach wanted to teach me this lesson in the practical way, he did not point out my short comings earlier. Though I suffered a big defeat, I was happy to pick up a valuable lesson after the defeat. To me it was a blessing in disguise.


Unknown said...

187 page la ullathu neenga intha link la podala akka please upload fast

English Lit Meet said...

I uploaded all the task answers for unit 4 - Communicative English. For 1st Year 1st Semester UG Students.

Unknown said...

Unit5 task answers upload panunga mam blogger la

Kokila s blog said...

Thank you so much mam

Unknown said...

Pg no 170 la athula task maari onnu iruju athuku ans enna mam....a)ensure b) flavor c) edible d) quite e) pretty

English Lit Meet said...

Use the dictionary to find out the meanings of the words and make sentences of your own (BOOK Page NO: 170) Answer:
1. Wash regularly to ensure personal hygiene.
2. This salad has a sharp peppery flavour.
3. The flowers of some plants are edible.
4. He was quite agreeable to accepting the plan.
5. I guess the speech went pretty well.

Unknown said...

172 page la ullathu neenga intha link la podala akka pls upload fast

English Lit Meet said...


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